Volunteers and Publishers Help Build YouVersion’s Thriving Korean Community

YouVersion’s simple mission remains the same: To make it as easy as possible for people to engage with the Bible and to connect with each other, no matter where they live or what language they prefer. We’re thankful to team up with people around the globe who share this goal.

Publishers. Through partnerships with key Bible publishers, YouVersion is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of these great Bibles in Korean:

Volunteers. The YouVersion community is literally worldwide, made possible only by volunteers who graciously offer their time and talents, whether from the United States, South Korea, Canada… or wherever you are. Volunteers are ordinary people—people just like you—who want to help others experience God’s Word in the same personal, meaningful ways that they have themselves. And it’s easier than you may think; if you can help us translate new features and services—whether into Korean or other languages—you can make a difference. Please get in touch with us through our volunteer sign-up form and let us know how you can help.

Volunteering with YouVersion offers you the unique opportunity to impact millions of other people with the story of God’s love. Read what just a few of our amazing Korean language volunteers have to say about their experiences working on the Bible App™:

Korean Language Volunteer Ingu from Gilbert, Arizona, USA

“As I had been richly blessed by the Words of God and the free Bible App from YouVersion, I felt that I should let those blessings flow to others. I wanted to practice the principle of ‘Freely you have received, freely give,’ so I decided to volunteer using the natural talent the Lord freely gave me—my mother tongue! I was enjoying working on the Korean project so much that eventually I realized I was no longer giving freely: the Lord has blessed me back much more in getting to be a part of the YouVersion team, with such great people!”
—Ingu in Gilbert, Arizona, USA


Korean Language Volunteer Jason P. from Missisauga, Ontario, Canada

“The Bible App from YouVersion was the first Bible app I put on my iPad. I found the Korean version wasn’t perfect. I also noticed that YouVersion was asking for volunteers to help translate it better. I used to work developing software, and I had been pursuing the Words of God during the last twenty years in church in Korea and in Canada, so when I realized I could probably help with the Bible App, I decided to volunteer. What we’re doing together now is so much more than just translating—we’re answering God’s calling to expand His church.”
—Jason P. (박영호) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada


“I am grateful and honored to have the opportunity to get to work together with many other Christians on the Bible App—most of whom I have never met. The intentions we share, together with the strong (yet humble) leadership from YouVersion, makes our important work run smoothly. I truly believe that the Bible App from YouVersion is the best app, both in functionality and content (of course!). I am so happy to be able to tell my children that I got to participate in this great ministry, no matter how small a part I may get to play.”
—Sung (성희) in Denver, Colorado, USA