Less than one week after launching, the Bible App for Kids has been installed on more than one million unique devices around the world. We’re amazed at how God has already been using the Bible App for Kids to connect children with the story of God’s love. Here’s what just a few of the people who have downloaded it so far are saying:
“My 4 yr old LOVES the #BibleForKids. Thanks so much for helping to grow in him a love for the Word!”
“Walked in on my son tearing up as he watched Jesus die on the cross on @BibleAppForKids. Praying for the call on his life this morning!”
“Using the new Kids Bible App with my nephew & I’m fighting tears back from his excitement and seeing him grasping what he’s learning.”
“3 girls on 3 different devices ALL using the @BibleAppForKids!!! They can’t get enough!”
“Just downloaded the @BibleAppForKids. It’s so beautiful and so cool! What an experience!”
Part of the Bible App for Kids’ early success came from being visible in app stores. Over the weekend, the Bible App for Kids reached as high as the #2 overall free app for iPad, #3 overall free app for iPhone. It was also the #1 free app in the Kids or Education category on iTunes, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Climbing so high on each of these lists means that potentially millions of people who otherwise wouldn’t even know it existed will now see the Bible App for Kids when they’re browsing for new apps to install.

We specifically designed the Bible App for Kids to help children connect with Bible stories not just once, but again and again. And it’s our sincere prayer that exploring the Scriptures will help millions of kids discover a lifelong love for God’s Word.
Throughout the holidays, as you find yourself together with family and friends, whether at home, at church programs, or even at work parties, please keep sharing the Bible App for Kids. You can show it to them on your device, direct them to bible.com/kids, or even offer to install it for them.
You can download the Bible App for Kids for free at:
Website: bible.com/kids
Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bible-for-kids/id668692393?ls=1&mt=8
Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bible.kids
Amazon Appstore: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GURLC40