“What does that mean?”

Spoken Gospel

If you’ve ever asked that about something in the Bible, you aren’t alone! Sometimes you need a helpful guide to come alongside you as you study God’s Word.

And that’s what our Partner, Spoken Gospel, wants to do! For the next three days, open Daily Refresh for special teachings on Matthew, Romans, and 1 Peter.

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Loved what you learned in Daily Refresh? Check out Spoken Gospel’s Partner page for more!

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“I had so many questions and doubts. Then I found hope.”


Hi, my name is Taylor, and I want to share how YouVersion completely changed my life.

A little over a year ago, everything was falling apart. I was on the verge of divorce, and depression was consuming my life.

I was lost and struggling to find my way back to God. I had so many questions, doubts, and insecurities. But I didn’t feel like I could bring those things to God.

That’s when my friend introduced me to the Bible App and went through a few Bible Plans with me.

The Bible App helped me reconnect with God through His Word, and it saved my marriage.

Now, my marriage is flourishing, I finished nursing school, and I’m plugged in at my local church.

I am a better wife, mother, and friend because I found the Bible App and it made a way for God to turn my life around.

TaylorTaylor, USA

Taylor is just one out of millions whose lives have been transformed by God’s Word because of the generosity of our YouVersion Community.

Your generosity can help even more people find true hope in God through His Word.

Today, you can get 90 digital Bibles to people all over the world when you give a gift of US$36.

Will you join us in spreading the hope of God’s Word?

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Where do you find your worth?

Silhouette of person with sunset over water in background

Whether it’s work, relationships, or achievement, we often find our worth in the things and people around us.

But what happens when those things fail us?

When we put our faith in Jesus, He gives us a new identity.

And who He says we are never changes.

Discover what Scripture says about who we are in Christ with these Plans.

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What does seeking God look like for you?

Person reading

Spending regular time with God isn’t always easy. Thankfully, you don’t have to seek God alone—and you weren’t made to. Consider inviting people to draw near to God with you by studying the Bible together.

Simply start a Plan, select “With Friends,” and seek God every day with people you trust.

All the believers were together and had everything in common.

ACTS 2:44

Discover More Plans

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