The Bible App for Kids is Now Available in Thai and Urdu!


Around the world, more than 28 million people speak Thai, and more than 113 million speak Urdu. Now for the first time ever, your children can experience the Bible App for Kids in either of these languages! Together with our partner OneHope, we want as many kids as possible to have the opportunity to fall in love with God’s Word in their own heart language. The Bible App for Kids is also available in Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin audio with either Simplified or Traditional Characters), Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Turkish.

BAFK Update Language-01

And, did you know that the Bible App for Kids lets you switch between languages directly inside the app? To get this great feature, just update your Bible App for Kids to the most current version. After you’ve run the update, look under Settings for “Language,” then select from any of nineteen languages. The audio will play in that language, and any text will appear in that language, too!

Please share this great news with your friends!





About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on more than 11 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids—in Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin audio with either Simplified or Traditional characters), Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, and now… in Thai and Urdu!

Get it now

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The Bible App is the first app in history to offer text content in 1,000 languages!

The Bible App: First to 1,000 Languages

Our mission is to help people engage with God’s Word. And today, thanks to the generosity of our partners, we’re pleased to announce that language number 1,000 comes to us in a Bible. Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale 2015 is written in Sukuma, the primary language of 7.6 million people in Tanzania, Africa. As incredible as it is to be announcing this milestone, Sukuma is just one of the 81 new languages and 83 new Bible versions that our partners introduced to the Bible App during the last three months alone. (The full list appears below.)

If you came here from an email we sent to you, welcome!
(If you’re not receiving our emails, you can subscribe here.)

We hope that you enjoy the freedom of experiencing God’s Word in your favorite language. If the Bible has impacted your life as profoundly as it has ours, it’s important that you know:

More than a billion people still don’t have a Bible in their language.1

Bible societies, Bible publishers, and copyright holders have worked together to generate a detailed list of which languages do not have their own Bible. Of almost 7,000 languages in the world,2 nearly 2,000 still need translation projects started.3 That sounds like a lot — and it is. But by leveraging today’s technology and communication, it’s within our reach to see the Bible translated into every language…within this generation. And even if you don’t know how to translate, there’s a place for you within this vision:

What if you could help a family like this one get a Bible… just by clicking a button?

“Sukuma People,” photo by paulshaffner, used under Creative Commons license 2.0.

You Can

It was for families just like this one that the Bible Society of Tanzania developed the Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale 2015, the Bible that brought Sukuma to the Bible App.5 Tanzania is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa6 — and to almost 55 million people.7 The Bible is living and active8 among Tanzania’s largest people group,9 the 7.6 million Sukuma: 3.2 million of them are professing Christians.10 And now that they can use Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale 2015 in the Bible App, they can engage with God’s Word wherever they go, and even more easily share it with others.

Why now?

In 2011, more than half of all Tanzanians (32 million) had a mobile device, with mobile services there rapidly on the rise.11 Just as in other parts of the world, affordable smartphones have introduced many Tanzanians to their first computing devices — and to their first internet access.12 In developing countries, smartphones not only connect people with more news and information, but even with education, healthcare, and financial services.13 And with more than half of Tanzania’s population (64%) under age 25,14 it’s more important than ever that we equip this generation with God’s Word right wherever they are — through their mobile devices.

Don’t miss this chance to join in what God is doing in the world.

Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale 2015 is just one of over 1,300 Bibles —  and Sukuma just one of 1,000 languages — that now help people engage with God’s Word in their own language in the Bible App. We do what we do because the Bible changed our lives. We hope it’s changed your life, too.

Our partners are working to ensure that every person on Earth will have that same opportunity: to experience God’s Word in their own language. What will happen when that vision is fulfilled? Let’s find out! Get involved. Just tap on any of these Bible partners to see how you can become a part of this incredible mission:

American Bible Society American Bible Society
Wycliffe Wycliffe
United Bible Societies United Bible Societies
Biblica Biblica
Bible Society of India Bible Society of India
Bible Society of the Democratic Republic of Congo Bible Society of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Institute for Bible Translation Institute for Bible Translation
Bible Society of Uganda Bible Society of Uganda
Bible Society of Tanzania Bible Society of Tanzania
Bible Society of Cameroon Bible Society of Cameroon
Paraguayan Bible Society Paraguayan Bible Society
Canadian Bible Society Canadian Bible Society
Bible Society in Liberia Bible Society in Liberia
Pioneer Bible Translators Pioneer Bible Translators
Aramaic Bible Translation Aramaic Bible Translation
Bangladesh Bible Society Bangladesh Bible Society
Bible Society of Burkina Faso Bible Society of Burkina Faso
Bible Society in the Central African Republic Bible Society in the Central African Republic
Bible Society of Côte d’Ivoire Bible Society of Côte d’Ivoire
Bible Society of Malawi Bible Society of Malawi
Vietnam Partnership Vietnam Partnership

Newest Versions and Languages

‘Abi’uai Apa’uana Mahamahana

1962 Ndandi New Testament and Psalms

Adi Bible (Re-edited)

Aimol New Testament (Re-edited)

Alladian New Testament 2003

Amri Karbi New Testament
Amri Karbi

Ang Bag-o Nga Kasugtanan

Anut san Bilaluŋ Foun

Apatani New Testament

Baibuli Erikwera 1964

Biete Bible

Lusoga Bible with Deuterocanon

Biblia Enxet (Lengua Sur)

Chakhesang Chokri New Testament
Chokri Naga

Chechen Bible

Chiyawo Bible

Chothe New Testament
Chothe Naga

Crimean Tatar Bible
Crimean Tatar

Datoga New Testament

Dii New Testament

Ekajuk New Testament

Enhlit Bible

Galo New Testament

God Ye Weng Karadmo

God’s Holy Book
Baga Sitemu

God’s Holy Book in Sankaran
Sankaran Maninka – Sankaran

Jola-Kasa New Testament

Kagulu New Testament

Kaninuwa Scripture Portions

Kapsiki Bible with Deuterocanon

Kele (Lokele) New Testament 1958
Kele (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Khakas New Testament

Kikwango New Testament 1950
Kituba (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Kilega New Testament 1957

Kogi New Testament

Kok Borok Bible (Re-edited)
Kok Borok

Komrem Bible Revised
Kom (India)

Kpelle Bible
Liberia Kpelle

ksp Bible in Kaba

Kuku-Yalanji Bible

Kumam Bible with Deuterocanon

Kumyk New Testament

Le Nouveau Testament en Gbaya
Southwest Gbaya

Loma New Testament
Loma (Liberia)

Luganda Revised Bible

Maring C.L. Bible
Maring Naga

Masanbo Bible (Re-edited)
Liangmai Naga

Moore Bible with Deuterocanon

Ngombe New Testament 1961
Ngombe (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Nivaclé Bible

Nogai New Testament

Nouveau Testament en Langue Kroumen Plapo (Plaawin) de Côte d’Ivoire
Plapo Krumen

Nouveau Testament en Luba-Kalebwe 1952

Nyishi Bible

Ojibwe Shorter Bible (Roman Script)
Ojibwe: Saulteaux (Western) – Nakawēmowin

Ojibwe Shorter Bible (Syllabic Script)
Ojibwe: Saulteaux (Western) – Nakawēmowin

Oniyan New Testament and Old Testament portions

Pere New Testament

Pochury Naga Bible
Pochuri Naga

Rade Revised Bible

Rote Tii New Testament and Genesis

Santali Common Language New Testament

Scriptures in Misima-Paneati

Selections from Genesis in the Hanga language

Sukuma Bible 2015

Takuu New Testament

Tangkhul Naga C.L. Bible (Re-edited)
Tangkhul Naga (India)

Tangsa Holy Bible
Tase Naga

Tatar Bible

The Bible in the Tuvan Language

The Gospel of Luke

The Holy Book of God in the Balochi Language
Southern Balochi – Southern Balochi (Roman)

The Holy Book of God in the Balochi Language
Southern Balochi

The New Testament in Longando
Ngando (Democratic Republic of Congo)

The New Testament in Mongo-Nkundu 1958

The New Testament in the Akeu Language

The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Psalms in Assyrian
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic

Urat New Testament

Urim-Kalpm New Testament

Usan New Testament

Wantoat New Testament

Waris Bible

Yupik Bible
Central Yupik


  1. Mission,” Every Tribe Every Nation.
  2. How many languages are there?” BBC.
  3. Mission,” Every Tribe Every Nation.
  4. Sukuma People,” photo by paulshaffner, used under Creative Commons license 2.0. (Mr. Shaffner is not affiliated with YouVersion or with the Bible Society of Tanzania.)
  5. Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale 2015,
  6. Tanzania: Geography,” Wikipedia.
  7. Country: Tanzania,” Joshua Project.
  8. Hebrews 4:12.
  9. Sukuma (People),” Encyclopædia Brittanica.
  10. Sukuma in Tanzania,” Joshua Project.
  11. Communications: Telephone system” and “Telephones – mobile cellular,” CIA Factbook: Tanzania.
  12. “2.2 Mobile driving innovation across the world,” GSMA Global Mobile Economy Report 2016, p. 25.
  13. “Mobile plays key role in socio-economic development,” GSMA Global Mobile Economy Report 2016, p. 4.
  14. People and Society: Age structure,” CIA Factbook: Tanzania.

Every person who wants to know what the Bible says should be able to find out.

But they can’t. At least, not yet…

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you already have the Bible in your language. (We hope so.) You may even have several versions to choose from. But have you ever wondered what your life might be like without the Bible? Think about how God’s Word speaks to you when you read it. What if the Bible were available in your language… but you couldn’t see? Or you didn’t know how to read? It’s estimated that 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired,1 and that 775 million adults (~17%) cannot read or write.2 How will they discover all that God wants to say to them through His Word?

If you came here from an email we sent to you, welcome!
(If you’re not receiving our emails, you can subscribe here.)

Bible societies are bringing God’s
Word to everyone. You can help.

In just the last three months, generous Bible society partners have introduced 25 new audio versions to the Bible App, offering new opportunities to connect with the Bible, for people who may never have had it before. Half of the world’s population now has a mobile subscription (up from just one in five 10 years ago).3 Anywhere a mobile device can go, God’s Word can be there. This freedom changes lives:

“I am totally blind. The Bible App is invaluable! I can read the Bible anywhere, anytime. Now I can truly study the Bible. As my husband has some difficulty with reading, this app is also invaluable to him!”
—Bible App User from Australia

As liberating as audio Bibles are, they’re just a small part of all that Bible societies are doing to change the world. During that same three months, they introduced 23 new Bible texts to the Bible App. Together, these contributions represent 38 new languages! (The full list is below.)

The day is coming when every person on earth will have the opportunity to experience God’s Word, because passionate people have dedicated their lives to bringing this vision to life. Of the 7,000 languages in active use today, the complete Bible has been translated into 550, and the New Testament into 1,300.4  While many language groups remain to be done, Bible societies are translating for the largest groups first. In addition, easier travel and new communication technologies have exponentially increased their capacity.

Don’t miss your chance to take
part in what God is doing in the world.

Your contribution to bringing God’s Word to Myanmar could transform a child’s life:


(That’s thanaka on her face, a traditional cosmetic paste made from tree bark.5)

In Southeast Asia, where this girl lives, more than 32 million people speak Myanmar (Burmese), mostly within their country’s borders. Still classified as “unreached” by the Gospel, most of Myanmar’s population is Buddhist. Although some projections estimate that as much as 9% of Myanmar’s people might be Christians, it’s difficult to know for certain.6 People who profess any religion other than Buddhism are socially ostracized, and often violently persecuted. For these reasons, most Christ followers in Myanmar keep their faith secret.7

But their story is just beginning. In recent elections, the people of Myanmar united to overthrow years of government corruption and violence. Now mobile service providers are introducing technology there designed to advance health care, and even to help people conduct financial transactions.8 When these positive changes began sweeping across the nation, Global Bible Initiative was ready, bringing their New Testament Myanmar Standard Bible to Myanmar’s Bible App users. Now, thanks to their work, even if Christians in Myanmar can’t share their faith openly—yet—they can still remain connected to God’s Word.

Aided by new technologies, Bible societies now have the chance to bring God’s Word to every person in the world, no matter where they live, what language they speak—or even what physical challenges they face. An opportunity like this has never existed before in human history. And we get to be here. You get to be here. You were made for such a time as this.

Now that you know,
what will you do?

Join us. Click below and learn what our Bible society partners are doing. Find one whose vision inspires you—and commit to support them. All of creation is waiting in eager expectation to see what we will do.9

American Bible Society American Bible Society
Wycliffe Wycliffe
Global Bible Initiative Global Bible Initiative
Biblica Biblica
Viorel Silion Viorel Silion
Bulgarian Bible Society (BBS at Bulgarian Bible Society (BBS at
Bible Society in Guinea-Conakry Bible Society in Guinea-Conakry
The Bible Society of Ghana (BSG at The Bible Society of Ghana (BSG at
Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources
United Bible Societies United Bible Societies


Newest Audio Bibles


The New Testament in Akoose:
Melɛ̌ Mékɔ̄ɔ̄lē
The New Testament in Teso:
Ebaibuli 1961
The New Testament in Awa-Cuaiquer (Ecuador):
Masas Pit Jesucristowa
The New Testament in Awa (Papua New Guinea):
Manikáne O Ehwehne
Today’s New Testament in Balinese:
Today’s Bali Bible
Genesis and the New Testament in Bambam
Today’s New Testament in Batak Karo:
Today’s Batak Karo Bible
Biblia Aymara, Qullan Arunaca:
Central Aymara
The New Testament in Buamu:
Dónbeenì Páaníi Fĩnle Vũahṹ
The New Testament in Galibi Carib:
Asery Tamusi Karetary
The New Testament in Chipaya:
Nuevo Testamento Chipaya
The New Testament in Chiquitano:
Chiquitano New Testament
The New Testament in Denya:
Ŋwɛ Menomenyɛɛ́ Mekɛ́
The New Testament in Ignaciano: New Testament
The New Testament in Ixil (San Juan Cotzal):
Viakʼla Txumbʼal u Tioxh
The New Testament in Jacalteco (Eastern) Popti’:
Nuevo Testamento yin̈ Abxubal
The Revised New Testament in Javanese (Indonesian, formal):
Javanese Bible
The New Testament in Lango (Uganda):
Baibul 1979
The New Testament in Mopán Maya:
Le’ec Ada’ U T’an a Dios a Tumulbene
Today’s New Testament in Nias:
Nias Bible
The New Testament in Quechua (North Bolivian):
Quechua Norte New Testament
The New Testament in Tamang (Eastern):
परमेश्वरला बचन छार कबुल
The New Testament in Tamasheq:
New Testament
The New Testament in Teribe:
Sbö Tjl̈õkwo
The New Testament in Tol:
Dios Tjevele Jupj ‘Üsüs La Qjuisiji Jesucristo Mpes


Newest Versions and Languages


The New Testament in Adioukrou
Asante Twi Bible with Deutero-Canons
Biblia în Versiune Actualizată 2015
Bulgarian Protestant Bible (Revised)
The Complete Jewish Bible (in English)
The Bible in Pennsylvania German
The Bible in Keley-i Kalaha
The New Testament in Komba
The New Testament in Kulina
The New Testament in Kwamera
The Bible in Guinea Kpèlèè
The Bible in Guinea Kpèlèè (DC)
The New Testament in Ladakhi
Matthew, Mark, and Acts in Saliba
Myanmar Standard Bible in Myanmar (Burmese)
Myanmar Standard Bible (Zawgyi) in Myanmar (Burmese)
Portions of the New Testament in Nali
Portions of the New Testament in Nek (Papua New Guinea)
Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament in Middle Newar
ses Bible in Songhai de Gao in Koyraboro Senni Songhai
Tagalog Contemporary Bible (Filipino)
The New Testament in Islander Creole (English)
World English Bible British Edition (British English)



  1. Visual Impairment and Blindness,” World Health Organization.
  2. Statistics on Literacy,” UNESCO.
  3. Report: GSMA Mobile Economy 2015, Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association.
  4. Why Bible Translation?,” Wycliffe.
  5. Thanaka,” Wikipedia.
  6. Country: Myanmar (Burma),” Joshua Project.
  7. #23 on the World Watch List (of persecuted Christians),” Open Door.
  8. 2.3.1 Mobile Money, [mHealth, and 2.4.1 Connected Women,” GSMA Mobile Economy 2015.
  9. Romans 8:19.

Get the Bible in the Languages of Nigeria


Thanks to the generosity of visionary Bible society and translation partners, YouVersion is pleased to offer several Bibles in the languages of Nigeria, all available through the Bible App. Just tap any of the buttons below to select a Bible in that language:

Bíbélì Mímọ́:
Yoruba Bible

Littafi Mai Tsarki:
Hausa Bible

Bible Nso:
Igbo Bible

Alkawal Kesal Nder Fulfulde Caka Naajeeriya:
Fulfulde Bible

Bwok-basa Dagwi wuna-na-sira roso tanga pas:
Berom Bible

Alkawali Woiwoyi:
Gbagyi Bible

Ezaa Bible

Izii Bible

Nyaa Shɔɔ Ɓɔɔ Laa a Ɓɛɛ:
Mumuye Bible

Ikpa Mbuban, Ikpa Mbuban Eyi Katolik:
Obolo Bible

Ikwo Bible

And, don’t forget to share this Good News with your friends:



About the Bible App

The Bible App has been installed on more than 365 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,800 Bible versions, in more than 1,300 languages. And it’s always completely free.

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Yoruba Bible Online

Igbo Bible Online