Setting goals can feel like an overwhelming to-do list.
But your relationship with God isn’t just another box to check off. It’s a place to renew your mind, refresh your soul, and rediscover God’s purpose for you.
Here are some ways you can connect with God every day.
Matt discovered a way to renew his mind with God’s truth by doing something he already enjoys.
“I listen to podcasts all the time, so listening to Bible Plans helps me swap this habit with truth and soaking in God’s Word.”
Matt, USA
When you spend time with God, your life will start to reflect His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.
What are some ways you can turn something you love into a new way to connect with God?
Plans are a great way to make the Bible a part of your everyday life.
This year, journey through the Bible and experience the big picture of God’s redemption, faithfulness, and unconditional love for us.
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Spend time in God’s presence, and He will refresh your soul.
Reflect on God’s Word with Daily Refresh—an all-new experience in YouVersion that curates timely and relevant Bible content.

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“YouVersion has helped me discover who God is, what He has done, and how to pray and have a relationship with Him. It’s changed the way I live my life.”
Bruno, Uganda
When you live a life rooted in Scripture, it can transform your heart, mind, soul, and, ultimately, your entire life.
Set a reminder today to continue a daily rhythm in God’s Word.
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