Community Highlights



“My reading disability has always affected me…”


For years, when it came to reading the Bible, I was limited to a surface-level understanding.

But when I started using the OpenDyslexic font in YouVersion and listening to Audio Bibles, my experience completely changed. I could finally fully encounter God through His Word.

My reading disability has been a source of shame, but having YouVersion care about my needs helps me feel supported and known.

P.S. To listen to Audio Bibles, open your favorite Bible version in the app and tap the speaker icon at the top of your screen.


Prayer Reminders

We can all use a reminder every once in a while that we can talk to God about anything.

To set up Prayer Reminders, go to your Push Notification Settings in YouVersion, and tap “Remind me to pray.”

Get Started


In the last month, our Community has completed over 69,000,000 Plan Days.

That’s equivalent to the entire population of the United Kingdom reading a Plan Day.

Start a Plan

With Plans, you’re growing closer to God every day, alongside a diverse, global Community. That’s something to celebrate!

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Here’s Something Worth Celebrating

Person celebrating

The results are in…

This year, over 900,000 members of our global Community earned the 2022 Mid-Year Challenge Badge, completing over 5,000,000 Plans.

Mid-Year Challenge Badge

Stats are meaningful, but what matters more is the story behind them. Those numbers represent people, all over the world, growing closer to God.

Now’s the time to keep building your Bible habit, even if you didn’t complete the Challenge.

Check out these 3 features:

Verse of the Day Stories


Discover daily devotional content from spiritual leaders you know and love.

View Today’s Story >

Earn More Badges


Motivate yourself by setting these achievable goals … and taking them on one by one. Open the app, create an account, and tap “More” to get started.

Find Your Next Plan


Explore what the Bible has to say about everything from anxiety to finance with these daily devotionals.

Browse Plans >

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God’s Word Changes Lives

Sharing a Bible

When Craig Groeschel was in college, he was hurting and lost.

“I didn’t like who I was becoming.”

But all that changed when he was given a free Bible, and God’s Word changed his life forever…

Think about the impact God’s Word could have on the people around you—your friends, family, or co-workers.

Right now, allow God to work through you by inviting three people in your life to discover the Bible on YouVersion.

Share YouVersion

It might change their lives forever—just like it did for Craig all those years ago.

“God’s Word ignited something in me.”

When you hear worship artist Ryan Ellis play one of his songs, you know it’s exactly what he was made to do.

But to Ryan, his purpose wasn’t always so clear…

Growing up, Ryan lived close to the poverty line, and started breaking into houses and stealing. He moved from city to city, trying to find direction and meaning.

No matter what he pursued, Ryan always felt empty and unfulfilled.

Until his mom started texting him Bible verses from YouVersion…

With every text, God transformed Ryan’s heart and empowered him to step into his calling.

“I could finally see the whole love story.”

Today, the “Heart of the Father” singer writes and performs music that helps people encounter the presence of God.

But, he might not have discovered that purpose if it hadn’t been for his mom’s faithfulness in sharing Scripture with her son.

Reading God’s Word daily has the power to transform your life—just like it did Ryan’s.

If you’d like to consistently read Scripture, the Verse of the Day is a great place to start.

Discover how to have the Verse of the Day sent to you every day—and then watch how God changes your life as you seek Him.

Get the Verse of the Day

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Verse of the Day Stories is now in Spanish!

Verse of the Day Stories in Spanish

Now in Spanish!

Verse of the Day


Verse of the Day Stories is now available in Spanish! Turn your heart and mind toward God and His Word through daily devotionals, prayers, and video content created by inspiring Spanish-speaking leaders.

Experiencing Verse of the Day Stories in Spanish is easy:

  1. Open your App and select the More button.
  2. Scroll down and tap Language.
  3. Under the App Interface section, change the default language from English to Español.

Verse of the Day Stories in Spanish will then appear at the top of your Home Feed, and you can come back each day to discover a new Story.

Open App