Revamp your wake-up routine

Woman on phone in bed and phone screen showing Verse of the Day Story

Start Today with a Fresh Habit

When you wake up, what is the first thing you do? Are you an email checker? Social media scroller? A “just ten more minutes” sleeper? Or maybe you’re that person who’s happy and chipper before their first cup of coffee.

Whatever your wake-up routine looks like, how you begin each day impacts your mood and mindset. So before you do anything else, get into the habit of fixing your mind on what matters most.

Start your day with Verse of the Day Stories, and make space for God to speak to you through reflection and prayer.

Here are 3 ways you and your family can use this feature to listen to God’s Word:

  1. Open your YouVersion Bible App and look for the Stories icon at the top of your Home page. Spend a few minutes on each Story screen, and use those cards as a launching point for reflecting on Scripture.

    Open Verse of the Day Stories

  2. If there are any preteens in your life, help them develop a relationship with God that’s their own by activating Kids Bible Experience in your Bible App Settings. Using the same format as Verse of the Day Stories, this feature contains content curated with preteens in mind.

    Activate Kids Bible Experience

  3. If you prefer listening to the Bible, get the daily Story read to you on your favorite voice device. Just start with the same “Ok Google…” or “Alexa…” that you use with any other voice command.

    Learn More about YouVersion for Voice

Your generosity can help change lives. Here’s how:

Despite the global challenges of this year, God has used every situation to draw people closer to Him. Before the pandemic even began, God was preparing His Church to be a beacon of hope and healing to a hurting world.

“Every day I wake up and there’s this longing to pick up my phone to see what God says. [YouVersion] has helped to keep my life in check and to read God’s Word on a daily basis. It has given me a lot to meditate on, and the different translations YouVersion offers have given me a clearer understanding of what the Scriptures say. I’m glad I’m part of this move of God.

—Blessing, Nigeria

God’s Spirit is moving, drawing people to Himself in numbers we’ve never seen before, in a year we couldn’t have anticipated.

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Revival is happening.

Even in our world’s hardest moments, God’s light is growing stronger.

“My life had been a rollercoaster until God revealed Himself to me. I sold drugs for a living and was addicted to many of them. I was tired of living and thought earth would be a better place without me. But after a lot of uneasy consideration, I decided to give it one more shot. I had been to many traditional rehabilitation centers, but I finally went to a faith-based program. God presented Himself almost immediately once I made it to the program and started seeking His Word. Every time I open YouVersion, God’s light grew stronger and my withdrawals dissipated. Eventually, it led to where I’m at now—filled with His Word and four months clean with no urges to use or sell drugs.”

—Justin, USA

These are just a couple of stories. Now, take a moment and think about your own journey. Where were you when you first heard about YouVersion? In what ways has God used the YouVersion Bible App to encourage you?

There are millions of people around the world just like Blessing and Justin—and just like you. And when you give to YouVersion, you help us reach them.

In the first half of 2020, YouVersion experienced over one million more people engaging with God’s Word than ever before.

Your giving allows us to make sure that every person, speaking any language, can experience the life-transforming power of Jesus.

Giving in the Bible App

God is changing millions of lives around the world through His Word. And when you give to YouVersion, you help us provide a way for these people to draw closer to God…right when they need it most.

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Let’s Celebrate Good News

Good News - I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. - Psalms 9:1

What has God accomplished through His Church this year?

Sometimes, we need to remember that we are not alone and that we still have a part to play in God’s plans. Our circumstances don’t cancel out God’s goodness. God is always doing unprecedented things, even during “unprecedented times.”

That’s why we reached out to several ministry partners to find out how their communities turned the challenges of this year into opportunities to spread the hope of Jesus.

From the explosion in Beirut to lockdown in Canada, here are some God stories from the global Church…

“[The church] took us into account, even though we’re not part of the church.”

Woman with 2 children

In Central America, if daily wage earners miss a day of work, then they can’t buy food for the following day. And due to strict COVID-19 measures earlier this year, most day laborers were without work—which meant thousands of people faced starvation over the summer. Delmy’s family in El Salvador was one of them.

When the quarantine began, Delmy’s family had no food reserves, and nowhere to turn for help. But 24 hours after they ran out of food, they heard a knock on their door. Even though Delmy’s family didn’t attend church, a local pastor was on their doorstep with a bag of groceries.

Because of a coalition between ENLACE, Tearfund, Viva, and Convoy of Hope (called the Central America Relief project), churches in Central America provided over 3.6 million meals over the summer to families like Delmy’s who were facing starvation.

Delmy’s family now hopes to start attending church gatherings once they reopen, but in the meantime, they are studying God’s Word and thanking God for His provision and His local church.

“The life that a person lives is what matters. And I saw that today.”

Group of people

On August 4, 2020, a massive explosion decimated the Port of Beirut in Lebanon, killing over 200 people and destroying the center of the city. Now, in the middle of political upheaval, economic tensions, and pandemic concerns, over 300,000 people are also temporarily homeless because of the explosion.

But after the blast, the local church community came together to help their city heal. Members of Resurrection Church Beirut (RCB) immediately went into relief mode and mobilized volunteers — many of them international Christians and refugees — to meet the needs of their community.

One person they helped was George: a businessman in need of house and office repairs because the blast destroyed them both.

“The (relief) team that came, although I didn’t know them, they worked harder … and more than me. … The Christian life is the strongest witness. It’s not important what someone speaks. The life that a person lives is what matters. And I saw that today.

It’s been over two months since the explosion, and the city is still in a state of disrepair. But Christians in Beirut are committed to helping their community heal, and in the process, they are seeing Jesus restore their land and heal their hearts.

“Walking through the streets after the blast, seeing the churches and buildings with the doors burst open, I had a thought: the work of God cannot be contained in a building. The doors of the Church burst open as the creative power of God in Jesus compels us to engage with the world in its need. It is uncomfortable, but it is a creative and healing power that bursts through the door. Next time you see a door, remember that no locks can keep our God inside! He is breaking out!
– RCB relief volunteer

“All 9 people in my group committed to faith … that has never happened to me before.”

Woman on video call

When Nadia first started hosting online Alpha courses through her church, she wasn’t sure anyone would show up. After all, the Alpha program is an 11-week course centered around creating an in-person community over a shared meal. Its whole purpose is to create a safe environment for people who have questions about Christianity. If the experience changed, would people still come to learn about the Christian faith?

But because of pandemic restrictions in Ontario, Canada, Nadia had no other choice. Here’s what happened…

“The (first) online experience proved to me that it’s a much easier environment for people to share in. … And so we decided very quickly to launch another one. After one week of advertising, we got 160 people interested. We were shocked. So we rolled out another one. We rolled out three Alpha courses in a matter of two months.

I was blessed to lead a group of nine people, all with varying degrees of skepticism and agnosticism. And I was overwhelmed to see that all nine committed to faith. … They all had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. That has never happened to me before. Nine people that I probably would have never met — I want to make that clear — if I hadn’t done the online Alpha course. And every single one of them now has a new relationship with Jesus Christ.

These three stories only tap the surface of what God has done through His Church this year, but they showcase God at work in our world.

No sickness can hold God back. No disease can hold God down. No hatred can stop God’s love, and no darkness can stand God’s light.

If events going on around you have left you feeling discouraged, remember that the story God is telling isn’t over yet. God is at work, and He is making something beautiful out of our brokenness.

If these stories were a source of encouragement for your day, encourage someone you know by sharing these stories. Tap below to share this post, and spread some good news.

Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.

JOHN 21:25

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What’s your morning routine?

How do you begin each day?

Do you feel behind before you’ve even had breakfast? Or are you ready to take on whatever comes your way? The way you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. So before doing anything else, fix your mind on what matters most.

Let us keep looking to Jesus - Hebrews 12:2 - Verse Image

Start your day with Verse of the Day Stories, and make space for God to speak to you through guided meditation, reflection, and prayer.

Stories in Home feed

Open your Bible App to get started!

Start Today’s Story

A Conversation with Letitia Wright

You probably recognize Letitia Wright as Shuri, the technological genius stealing scenes from her brother King T’Challa in 2018’s Marvel blockbuster, Black Panther. But Letitia has actually been appearing on television since 2011, receiving nominations for an Emmy and a British Independent Film Award (among many others), and winning a BAFTA award and an NAACP Image Award. And if you follow her on social media, you’ll also know that Letitia boldly proclaims her faith in Christ.

In this exclusive video, Letitia reveals the Bible verse a friend shared with her that set her on the path toward finding new life in Jesus. She also shares why the Bible App means so much to her.

Join Letitia for Overcoming

When you see the vibrant spirit and abundant joy that she radiates today, it’s hard to imagine that Letitia once struggled with depression and self-doubt. Join Letitia in her new 3-day Video Plan, Overcoming, and let her encourage you with the same Scriptures that helped her discover victory and confidence in her identity in Christ.


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Connect with Letitia:

Twitter: @letitiawright

Instagram: @letitiawright

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