Has YouVersion helped you find intimacy with God?

What's Your Story?

Your story about growing closer to God could be the very thing He uses to draw someone else to Him. Just look at what Brenda shared with us:

I had been a Christian for almost 20 years. 10 years ago, God revealed what was missing from my walk with Him: intimacy.

“I didn’t know the God I believed in. Wife, mom, business owner — because I wasn’t spending time with God, people were getting ‘weak me, impatient me, tired me.’

Woman using laptop while drinking cofee

Woman praying

“I prayed, ‘Lord, change my priorities. Be first in my life.’ Discipline became my word for 2018. (I’m spontaneous! I hate discipline!) But YouVersion made it easy.

Woman holding phone

“Now I start most days at 6:30 a.m. with ‘a date with God.’ I love YouVersion — the Plans, the reminders, Streaks — I love it all! Every aspect of my life changed when He became first: how I parent, how I love my husband, how I run my business.

God used YouVersion to fulfill the dream of discipline in my life. Thank you!”

Your story matters.
Share it with us!

Tell us, specifically, how using YouVersion has helped you find intimacy with God. What did your life look like before you had the YouVersion Bible App? What’s different now? Share your story with us below, and let God use the power of your testimony to build His Kingdom.*

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Here’s how to make sure your charitable giving has the biggest impact this year.

Man on phone

This is personal.

Remember when you first realized that God actually loved you? That he wanted a relationship with you? Moments like those are why we’re so passionate about helping people connect with God.

I grew up in church, but I didn’t really know or love God. When my grandfather died, I felt deep sorrow and depression… and even thought about committing suicide. My friend sent me a link to Joshua 1:9. I decided to download the app because of that verse. I tried a devotion, which helped me understand God and led me closer to Him. One day I was reading in Psalms, and I felt Jesus calling me: this overwhelming, reckless love pursuing me. I prayed with my pastor, and a huge weight lifted. Jesus changed my life. Now I love the Lord and serve him daily. Thank You, Jesus!


When you give to YouVersion, you’re making an investment that has an eternal return: transformed lives.


Woman on phone

This is historic.

Reading or listening to God’s Word has the power to change lives. We’re leveraging technology to help this generation become the most Bible-engaged in history. When you give to YouVersion, you help us get Scripture to more people than ever, in places like India, Poland, Guatemala, and Nigeria. People like Hazel:

I had been bullied for years, and I was dealing with a heartbreak. I didn’t want to be left alone with my thoughts. One day I opened YouVersion and read the Verse of the Day. It was the perfect word of encouragement, so it became a habit. Every day I would start with Verse of the Day, then read the chapter the verse came from, then find myself in the middle of a story. I watched David remove Saul’s armor and pick up his own slingshot. I walked through the palace with Esther. I wept with Hannah. I could see myself in their imperfections and flaws. God used YouVersion to make His word come alive to me. YouVersion has changed my life, from the Verse of the Day to Plans.


What would happen if every person on earth could instantly engage with God’s Word in their own language? Let’s find out, together.


Woman texting on phone

This is what matters.

All over the world, more and more people are turning to God’s Word to hear what He wants to say to them. When you give to YouVersion, you’re helping us connect them with Him. Every one of those people has a name, has a story. Like Nathan. Like Hazel. Like Jenny:

Things were not good in my marriage. I was on a downward spiral, at the beginning of an emotional affair. I gathered the courage to send him ‘the’ text: the one that would change our relationship from friends to lines-being-crossed. I was terrified, typing what I knew could end my marriage. But the Holy Spirit was fighting for me. The word TEMPTATION flashed before my eyes. I didn’t know what to do, so I pulled up YouVersion and typed ‘temptation’ in the search field. As I read every verse the app showed me, the tears fell. I called on Jesus’ name, and the devil fled. I erased that text and ended the conversation. If I had not had the Bible App that day, I don’t know what would have happened. Thank you for always having His word so close!


In 2008, we launched YouVersion with just 15 Bibles, in two languages. Now, thanks to the generosity of visionary partners — and the financial support of people just like you — we’re privileged to offer more than 2,000 versions, with content in over 1,300 languages.

Don’t miss this.


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* Name and location changed, to protect privacy.

2019 in Review:


Going Deeper,
Drawing Closer.

Topographical map lines

Think back on the struggles and victories you’ve experienced this year. How did God reveal Himself to you in those moments?

We’re excited about all that God will do through YouVersion in 2020. (Stay tuned: Big things are coming!) But for now, let’s take a moment to reflect back on just some of the powerful ways God worked in our global YouVersion Community during 2019:

Two women looking at phone



Mfon’s marriage was in shambles, so she ran away from it. Then on the bus to work each day, Mfon started reading Bible Plans about marriage in the Bible App. As Mfon studied God’s Word, her heart began to soften, and she realized there was still hope for her marriage. Inspired by God’s Word, Mfon reconciled with her husband.

…But Mfon’s story doesn’t end there…

One day, a woman who often sat behind her on the bus approached Mfon and confided that she had been reading the Bible App over Mfon’s shoulder. This woman had also been struggling in her marriage, but one of Mfon’s Plans had resonated with her, and she had forgiven her husband. Because of Mfon’s decision to read Bible Plans, two marriages are now experiencing restoration.

Mfon’s story is powerful, but it’s just one of many. Every Plan Day completed this year represents a life that God is in the process of transforming:


Plan Days completed in 2019.

Woman listening to phone

Losing Sight… and Finding Sound

AliceUnited States

In 2014, Alice was diagnosed with early-onset macular degeneration and declared legally blind. No longer able to read, Alice had to find another way to draw closer to God. She discovered that in the right light, she could use a tablet. And that’s when Alice found audio Bibles on YouVersion. She started listening every night. And the more Alice listened, the more God’s Word came alive for her, leading her to a deeper understanding of God.

Now Alice believes the Bible should be heard. And fortunately, audio Bibles make it easy to hear God’s Word — anytime, anywhere.


Audio Chapters played in 2019.

How can we wrap our minds around giant numbers like the ones below? By recognizing what they actually represent: moments when people reached out to God, and He touched their hearts. Let’s celebrate and commit to finishing 2019 strong!

Read icon

Bible Chapters Read

Bookmark icon

Highlights, Bookmarks, and Notes

Share icon

Verses Shared

Bible Engagement
Increase by Country:

Bible engagement map with increases by country

These countries showed the greatest increase in Bible engagement during 2019.

2019 Verse of the Year:

Philippians 4:6

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.”

The Bible verse shared, bookmarked, and highlighted most often by the global YouVersion Community.

Most Shared Verse Image by Language:

Ephesians 4:26 Verse Image Psalm 56:3 Verse Image Isaiah 40:31 Verse Image
Filipino Spanish Korean
Ephesians 4:26 Psalm 56:3 Isaiah 40:31
1 Peter 4:8 Verse Image 1 Corinthians 13:13 Verse Image John 11:25 Verse Image
Japanese Italian German
1 Peter 4:8 1 Corinthians 13:13 John 11:25
Psalms 103:13 Verse Image 1 Corinthians 13:4 Verse Image Psalms 46:1 Verse Image
English Dutch Chinese
Psalms 103:13 1 Corinthians 13:4 Psalms 46:1

The Bible Verse Images shared most often during 2019 by language across the global YouVersion Community.

Discover Your Story

We all have a story to tell.

See how you drew closer to God through the YouVersion Bible App this year — with a personalized 2019 Bible App Snapshot!

Let’s rejoice over what God’s doing in your life:

View Snapshot

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A Conversation with CrossFit Champion Rich Froning

He broke records as the first four-time consecutive winner of the CrossFit Games (2011-2014), then again as captain of the Crossfit Games’ current Team Division champions, Mayhem Freedom. Dubbed the “Fittest Man in History” in the documentary Froning, devoted family man and elite athlete Rich Froning is foremost a passionate follower of Christ, seeking to glorify God in every area of his life.

In this exclusive YouVersion video, Rich opens up about his faith journey, revealing how God’s Word has shaped his life, his career, and his relationships.

Whatever season of life you’re in, let Rich’s story inspire and uplift you as you pursue your own intimacy with God. Then, after you’ve watched the video, go check out Rich’s new video Plan, “Powered by Scripture,” on the YouVersion Bible App. You can also hear him on the latest episode of the highly-rated Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.

Powered by Scripture
Q&A with CrossFit Champion Rich Froning - Q&A with CrossFit Champion Rich Froning

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Connect with Rich:






Get the Bible App

Tell your story…

I have not concelaed your steadfast love and faithfulness - Psalm 40:10

…we want to hear it.

He stands on the corner of a busy Toronto street, scrolling on his phone. At first glance, he looks just like everyone else shuffling around him. But as you come closer, you notice something…different. This man radiates indescribable peace and joy. You peek over his shoulder to see what he’s looking at: he’s reading the YouVersion Bible App.

Meet Scott Daniels

In 2012, Scott downloaded the YouVersion Bible App, and his life was completely transformed. Let Scott tell you his story:

Like Scott, many of us have inspirational stories that point to one moment where God used the YouVersion Bible App to draw us closer to Him.

How has YouVersion helped you?

Your story matters. We want to know what your life looked like before the YouVersion Bible App, and what it looks like now. How, specifically, has God used YouVersion to positively impact your life?

Your inspirational life story could be the tool God uses to transform someone else’s life. Click below to tell us your story, and allow God to use the power of your testimony to encourage His Kingdom.*

Share Your Story

More Life Change Stories:

Meet Will.

Man looking at phone in city

Growing up, Will had no use for God. On TV, he saw televangelists convincing people to send money, and ministry leaders shamed by scandals. Will’s family didn’t go to church, but his friends’ church experiences confirmed most of what he already believed about so-called “Christians.”

Then as an adult, Will met a Christian woman on a dating site. They had several things in common, so they started chatting regularly. As Will got to know Becca, he was surprised to discover that her faith didn’t fit any of his stereotypes.

To see for himself what the Bible was about, Will downloaded the YouVersion Bible App and started a one-year Bible Plan. He also began attending an Alpha course, where his skepticism was welcomed. As he learned who Jesus actually was, Will decided to follow Him.

When Will learned the Bible App was made by YouVersion, a ministry of Life.Church, he tried Life.Church Online. There was also a physical Life.Church campus near him, so he tried that too. When the pastor mentioned that YouVersion was hiring, Will applied.

Today, Will has been working at YouVersion for 7 years. And that woman he met online? They’ve been happily married since 2012.

Meet Galisia.

Woman looking at phone

Several years ago, postpartum depression grabbed hold of Galisia. When she couldn’t see a way out, she lost all hope. Galisia even considered driving off a bridge to commit suicide. While surfing the Internet, she found the YouVersion Bible App and downloaded it.

Through the Bible App, Galisia started reading Plans that were relevant to her, searching on words like “sad,” “hopeless,” “afraid,” and “suicidal.” One day as she was reading in the app, something inside her shifted, and she began to weep. Because of the power of God’s Word, Galisia has now fully recovered from her postpartum depression, and she’s grateful for her second chance at abundant life.

What’s your story?

This space is reserved for you. If God has used the YouVersion Bible App specifically to positively transform any area of your life, share your story, and let’s celebrate that together!

Share Your Story

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