Want to change lives? Live generously.

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For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


If you looked at where you spend your time and resources, what would it show that you value?

At YouVersion, our mission is to help our Community experience intimacy with God every day. We want to see people from every nation and language daily drawing closer to God. That’s one of the reasons we create Verse of the Day Stories, Guided Prayers, and Verse Images: so that people around the world can experience God’s love and truth in fresh, personal ways.

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We don’t want anything to prevent people like you from personally knowing God, which is one of the reasons why YouVersion will always be free.

Our desire is that as you experience God’s love, it transforms what you value, and inspires you to live generously as well.

When you share what God has given you, you model God’s love to a broken world. This deepens your intimacy with God, and it also creates opportunities for other people to draw closer to Him.

Just imagine—your generosity could impact someone’s eternity.

One way to cultivate a life of generosity is by financially supporting the ministry of YouVersion. And when you do, you get to take part in something that has lasting value: helping people around the world experience God’s generous love.

Today, consider asking God to show you how He wants you to use the resources He’s given you, and then watch as He faithfully multiplies your gift to bless others.

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