How has God’s Word changed you?

Woman on phone

Think back to the first time you read the Bible and experienced its deep impact on your life.

At this moment, God is using His Word to help millions of people around the world experience that same impact.

“When a friend introduced me to the Bible App, my life completely changed. Now, I not only believe in God, but I also have a community that helps me grow even deeper in my faith.



“God pulled me out of a 49-year battle with drugs. The Bible App helps me stay connected with God’s Word and the women who have helped me on this journey.


Since I downloaded Bible App Lite, I’ve been filled with joy. Now, I’ve committed to serving God forever. It’s truly changed my life.”



Right now, people like Nel, Cynthia, and Ogar are searching for hope that can only be found in God’s Word.

When you give a gift to YouVersion, you get to be a part of sharing the life-changing power of God’s Word with others.

Today, you can share 90 digital Bibles with people all over the world when you give a gift of $36 USD.

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What do you do when life feels uncertain?

Person holding leaves

Change happens.

But in the midst of it, remember this: God never changes, and His promises are true.

Whatever change you’re navigating, the Bible App has Plans that can help you remain grounded in the unchanging truth of God’s Word.

Root yourself in Scripture and remember the hope you have in God—no matter your circumstances.

Build your Bible habit with one of these Plans:

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Who are you becoming?

Person looking out window

The decisions you make today influence who you are becoming.

When you choose to follow Jesus, you are made new and being formed into His image.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


Build spiritual habits to become more like Jesus each day with these Plans.

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“What does that mean?”

Spoken Gospel

If you’ve ever asked that about something in the Bible, you aren’t alone! Sometimes you need a helpful guide to come alongside you as you study God’s Word.

And that’s what our Partner, Spoken Gospel, wants to do! For the next three days, open Daily Refresh for special teachings on Matthew, Romans, and 1 Peter.

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Loved what you learned in Daily Refresh? Check out Spoken Gospel’s Partner page for more!

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