What do you spend your time running towards?
We are all in a race that God has put in front of us. And each day we have to choose whether we will move forward toward the finish line, or move away from our calling and our Savior.
The future still feels uncertain, which may make it tempting to slow down and stop pursuing healthy spiritual habits. But the actions you take today determine the trajectory of your life. This is why deciding to daily draw near to God matters.
As February begins, challenge yourself to daily fix your eyes on Jesus and make time with God a habit by joining the 21-Day Challenge.
Get the 21-Day Challenge Badge by
completing at least one Plan day for 21 days
before February ends.
To get the most out of your Challenge, invite a few trusted Friends to join you. (And don’t miss any days by setting up daily reminders in your Plan settings.) If you finish your Plan before the end of the Challenge, just start another one and keep going!