Look around and you’ll quickly see that our world is filled with instability and uncertainty. Every day seems to bring with it another disheartening news headline or unanswered question. In the midst of life’s struggles, how do we hold onto hope?
We fix our eyes on Jesus.
God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. As we seek His heart, we find hope for our souls and strength to face whatever is in front of us. Our situation may not change, but when we spend time in God’s Word, our perspective shifts.
When you call on me,
when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.
Jeremiah 29:12
If you’re looking for more encouragement, try one of these Plans about anxiety and fear. Allow God to comfort you and fill you with His peace.
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A Prayer for Peace…
Lord God, life is hard and uncertain, but we know that You are in control and that nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for promising to never leave or forsake us. And thank You for promising to complete the good work that You started within us.
Nothing we go through ever surprises You. Please give us Your strength so that we can endure the situations we can’t control. Help us to trust You when we don’t understand. Fill us with the confident hope that You will see us through life’s storms, even if You don’t immediately rescue us from them.
God, You have said, “Seek my face.” And we are seeking Your face, God. We want to worship You, Jesus. Please answer us quickly as we call to You. Heal our land, and fill us with Your peace.
In Jesus’ name.