⏰ It’s not too late!

There’s a time for everything…

21-Day Challenge - ticking clock.

…and now it’s your time.

How would your life look different if you committed to reading a little bit of God’s Word every day?

The 21-Day Challenge helps you make time with God a daily habit. But, today is the last day to start the Challenge and earn this year’s 21-Day Challenge badge.

Pick a Plan and get started now!

Start Now

Official Rules

These Football Pros Love the Bible App!

Football Player

It’s Sunday, February 2: the biggest day of the year in American football.

Later today, two of the best teams will face off against each other. But right now, thanks to our partner Football Sunday, a couple of players from both sides have come together to talk about their shared love for God’s Word in a new YouVersion video.

Watch the video above to find out what they had to say about the Bible App!

Football player with diagram

Get in the Game with These Plans

Kickoff the Big Game with these Bible App Hall of Favorites: Plans created for you by some of your favorite athletes and influencers.

See All Sports Plans

Spread the Word.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if today the Bible was a trending topic? You can use this video to share your passion for the Bible — and football! — with your friends:

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Take Back Your Time: The 21-Day Challenge Starts Now!

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time… - Ephesians 5:15-16 - Verse Image

What’s your vision for 2020? Imagine what your life could look like at this time next year if you committed to making time with God a daily habit.

Beginning today, get into the regular rhythm of spending time with God by joining our 21-Day Challenge. We’ll show you how to get started, and cheer you on as you go!

How to Start:

  1. Choose any Plan, even if it’s longer or shorter than 21 days.
  2. Begin your Plan by February 9 to have enough days to complete the Challenge — and don’t miss any days.
  3. Earn the 2020 21-Day Challenge Badge by completing at least one Plan day for 21 days in a row in February.

Make sure everything is checked

To get the most out of your Challenge, invite a few trusted friends to join you. And, make sure you don’t miss any days by setting up daily reminders in the Plan settings.

That’s it!
Now, let the Challenge begin:

See More Plans

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It’s Almost Here: The 21-Day Challenge Starts Soon!

21-Day Challenge

1,440… That’s how many minutes you have in a day. On average, you make 35,000 decisions per day — that’s roughly 24 decisions a minute. The choices you make eventually determine the course of your day, year, and even your life.

Whatever 2020 has looked like for you so far, you can make the most of your time by centering your life on what matters most: intimacy with God. That’s why we created the 21-Day Challenge: to help you build a daily habit of connecting with God through His Word.

The challenge starts on February 1 and continues throughout the month of February, but we want to give you time to select the Plans you want to complete and invite friends to join you!

Find Plans

Official Rules

The 21-Day Challenge begins February 1, 2020 and runs through the month of February.

Here are 3 things you need to know to complete the 21-Day Challenge and earn a special Badge:

  1. Choose any Plan, even if it’s longer or shorter than 21 days.
  2. Begin your Plan by February 9 to have enough days to complete the Challenge — and don’t miss any days.
  3. Earn the 2020 21-Day Challenge Badge by completing at least one Plan day for 21 days in a row in February.

Each time you finish a day, make sure that all of that day’s sections are marked as completed:

Make sure everything is checked

If you finish your Plan before the end of the Challenge, just start another one and keep going! When you complete all 21 days (without missing any days), you will receive our exclusive 2020 21-Day Challenge Badge in your Bible App profile:

21-Day Challenge Badge

Your next steps:

If this is your first Bible challenge, we recommend you start with a short audio or reading Plan, and complete one Plan after another. Take it one day at a time and, as your habit grows, gradually ease into longer Plans.

Tap the button below to find the Plans you want. You can tap Save for Later on any Plans you like, then start one on February 1.

We also recommend completing the challenge with friends! On the Plan you want to do first, tap Start Plan, select With Friends, set the start date for February 1, then invite a friend (or 2 or 10). (This will give your friends a heads-up beforehand.)

Are you ready? Let’s do this!

Pick Your Plans

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How to Start Reading the Bible: 3 Simple Steps.

Person reading on phone

1. Receive.

Prepare your heart to hear from God. Try a simple prayer like this…

Heavenly Father, please help me understand this Bible verse.

…and then read the Verse of the Day. We’ll use today’s verse as our example:

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

JOHN 15:2

2. Reflect.

Ask yourself what this verse might be trying to say, and think deeply on your answers. Here are just a few examples we might get from today’s verse:

Jesus expects me to share my faith with other people.

When I demonstrate God’s love, that draws others to Him.

I should work to remove things from my life that don’t show God’s love.

It is often through challenges that God grows my capacity to love others.

3. Respond.

Use this verse as the basis for a prayer, maybe something like this:

Lord, please give me the courage and opportunity to share your love with other people. Please show me which areas of my life aren’t bearing fruit.

Want to go deeper?

Here’s a Bible Plan that will help you learn more about what it means to live a fruitful life:

Start Plan

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. - John 15:2 - Verse Image

Share Verse of the Day