Top 10 Marriage Bible Plans on YouVersion


A strong marriage starts with a solid biblical foundation – an understanding of how God designed us uniquely to love one another in marriage, ultimately glorifying His name. We’ve put together a list of our most popular Bible Plans on the topic of marriage to help you build that foundation and gain understanding through His Word.



Breathe Spiritual Passion Into Your Marriage
Gary Thomas, 7 Days

Explore practical tips on how to have a God-centered, spirit-filled, thriving marriage, using the keystone principles from the book “A Lifelong Love,” by Gary Thomas.




Marriage: A Lifelong Journey
Jim Daly, 7 Days

Marriage takes effort. Whether you’re blissfully in the “honeymoon” phase, or decades past your wedding day, Jim Daly will help you discover ways to sustain a thriving marriage.




The Mingling Of Souls – Matt Chandler On Intimacy
Matt Chandler, 7 Days

Best-selling author Matt Chandler shares valuable insights from his book “The Mingling of Souls,” about the practical ways to share in biblical intimacy with your spouse.




7 Secrets To An Awesome Marriage
Kim Kimberling, 9 Days

Author Kim Kimberling explains through video the seven essential secrets to having a marriage that honors God, with useful tools to build welcomed habits in your relationship.




Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward
Craig & Amy Groeschel, 7 Days

No matter where you are on the marital-satisfaction spectrum, best-selling author Craig Groeschel and his wife, Amy, share how you can have a fail-proof marriage…from this day forward.




Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott, 7 Days

Based on the best-selling book Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott provide you with seven insightful questions to discuss before (and after) you begin your marriage.




Healing A Marriage
Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs and Abide, 8 Days

Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs overcame years of marital brokenness. This audio Plan is designed to help you make significant progress by spending time thinking about what you hoped for most at the start.




Marriage And Family Life Reading Plan
Family Life Marriage Bible, Thomas Nelson, 14 Days

Pulling principles from the Marriage and Family Life Bible, learn to focus your faith on building and strengthening your marriage and family through your walk with God.




Infidelity: Boundaries to Protect Your Marriage
Focus On The Family, 11 Days
Establishing healthy boundaries can prevent long-term damage to your marriage. Focus on the Family provides useful tools to remove temptation and protect the sanctity of your relationship.





Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage
Shaunti Feldhahn, 14 Days

What are common habits healthy couples practice? Shaunti Feldhahn studied that question and determined that God’s Word is full of great habit-forming principles for spouses.



Explore Marriage Bible Plans

Helpful links:
YouVersion’s Highest-Rated Bible Plans of 2020

October Featured Plans: Brian Houston, Craig Groeschel, North Point Ministries, & More

Craig Groeschel, 7 days 

Pairing excerpts from the book #struggles with daily devotionals, author and pastor Craig Groeschel helps steer you toward a Christ-centered life and away from dependence on technology.


Redeeming Pleasure

Jeremy Jernigan, 21 days 

Jernigan reveals God’s goodness through Scripture, showing how actively pursuing God will lead you toward that “life to the full” that Jesus promised.

One Minute Apologist –
Doubting Toward Faith

Bobby Conway and One Minute Apologist, 10 days 

Actively redirect your doubts toward faith, where you’ll discover more dependence on God, deeper empathy for others, and renewed inspiration to seek satisfying answers for life’s big questions.

Identity in Christ

Jeff Bethke, 7 days 

Following daily Scripture selections with questions for meditation, Jeff Bethke helps you understand the benefits — and expectations — of what it means that God has adopted you into His family.

STAY FIT: Strengthening Your Connection to Jesus
North Point Ministries, 30 days 

The staff of North Point Ministries shows how focusing on our most important relationship — with Jesus — helps us lead others into relationship with Him.

Live Love Lead
Brian Houston, 14  days 

Founding and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church Brian Houston shares biblical principles of life, love, and leadership that will help you follow the unique roadmap your Creator has set before you.

5 Easy Ways to Get More Bible in Your Day


We could all use more inspiration, more direction, and more meaning in our lives. For most Christians, we know there’s no better daily source of insight than the Bible. (It is God’s inspired Word, after all.) Of course, just deciding that you want to read the Bible more is the easy part. Actually making that commitment stick is where it starts getting tricky.

That’s where we come in: Each day for the next five days, we’ll reveal one more easy thing you can start doing right now — today — to get you started. Ready? Let’s do this!


Turn our Verse of the Day into your Chapter of the Day.

One super-easy way to connect with Scripture every day is to read the Bible App’s Verse of the Day. But when a verse encourages you, what was its context? What happened before? And where do those ideas lead from here? Getting the rest of the story is actually pretty straightforward. Just tap the Verse of the Day, then tap [Read full chapter]. More Scripture = More Inspiration!

Don’t see Verse of the Day in your Home feed?
Tap Menu > Verse of the Day




When the Word inspires you, create art that inspires others.

Often when you read Scripture, the Holy Spirit speaks. Are you listening? As you’re reading that chapter in the Bible App each day, pay attention to what it’s making you feel. Did a particular phrase speak to you? Was it joy? Conviction? Peace? Power? When those moments happen — and they will — make a Verse Image that expresses your inspiration. Just tap the verse, tap the Verse Image icon, and follow the prompts. And once you’ve put the finishing touches on that work of Bible art, share it with friends!




Make Plans with Friends.

So much of what we end up talking about with friends feels shallow. But when you invite a friend (or a few) to share your spiritual journey, you’ll find yourselves discussing things that actually matter. What does this passage mean? Why does this particular thing seem so important to God? How can we put this into practice? Use the Bible App to find a Plan you’d like to read together, then commit to talk about each day’s reading. Here are some great ones to get you started:

Wabide-godspurposehat Is God’s Purpose For My Life?
from Abide, 3 days

godspurposeUnderstanding God’s Purpose
from Ligonier Ministries, 5 days

findpurposeinworkFind Purpose In Your Work
from Abide, 3 days


How To Maximise Your Life
from Hillsong, 31 days


Discover God’s Dream For You
from Jennie Allen, 5 days


Better Together
from Rick Warren, 24 days


Discerning God’s Will
from Ligonier Ministries, 9 days


What to do When You Don’t Know What to do
from Dr. David Jeremiah, 7 days


Beginning a Relationship with Jesus
from David Dwight and Nicole Unice, 7 days





Play God’s Word as the soundtrack for your day.

It can be so easy to just press snooze…for the third time. Probably because you know that as soon as your feet touch the floor, you won’t get to stop moving again until bedtime. School, work, friends, family, food, sleep, repeat. So why not invite God along, whatever you’re doing? Listen to audio Bibles on the go. On the Read tab, just tap the speaker icon.

Don’t see a speaker icon?
Tap your current Bible version, then select a different version
(one that has a speaker icon next to it).



Set “Hear from God” on your calendar… as a daily event.

When you really like a show, you manage to find time to watch. We make time for the things we value. Set a goal to connect with the Bible every day. (Five minutes a day is plenty to start.) If you’ll just stick with it, it will become a habit. Don’t worry if you’ve been inconsistent in the past or if you miss a day; that’s okay. Just start small, today. Give God some time to speak to your heart. Set up just one of these, right now:

Subscribe to the Verse of the Day.
Set up a Bible Plan to email you every day.
Set a calendar reminder to pop up every day at a time that works for you.



About the Bible App

The Bible App has been installed on more than 190 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

New Bible App icon


September Featured Plans: Rick Warren, Jack Graham, Time of Grace,, & More



Relationships, finances, health, addiction, decision-making: for almost any area of life you can imagine, find Plans devoted to that topic.




Partial Bible

In daily portions, experience a single book of the Bible, Psalms and Proverbs together, or even the entire New Testament. Partial Bible Plans serve you sections of Scripture on a convenient schedule.




Whole Bible

Featuring several different options — chronological, equal-length portions, shorter reading times with space for reflection, and more — any of these Plans will help you navigate your way through the entire Bible.

Browse All Categories


Bible Plans on Work and Leadership help you refocus.

Work. Inspired.


It can be so easy to get caught up in the everyday busyness of work that sometimes we lose sight of what matters most.

Does God have a purpose for my life?
How can I find it?
Can I honor Him right where I am?
How can I serve Him…
yet still do what I need to to pay my bills?

The Bible offers us timeless wisdom from people who struggled with these same questions, inspired by God’s Spirit. In just a few minutes each day, YouVersion Bible Plans let you explore God’s Word, then reflect on how you can live out its truths in your daily life.

Find your spark again! Try one (or more) of these Plans and reignite your work and leadership with meaning, purpose, and vision. And when you discover one that truly inspires you, share it with your friends!


Plans for Working Life



Find Purpose in Your Work

Abide, 3 days
Examples from Scripture, focused prayer, and thoughtful reflection help you find meaning through pursuing God’s calling on your life.

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Monday Matters: Finding God in Your Workplace

Mark Bilton and Called to Business, 30 days
Drawn from Bilton’s book Monday Matters, these daily devotionals feature biblical insight paired with a quick prayer (with most available as audio) to help you transform your work life and workplace.

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Ambition & Your Work

The High Calling and Theology of Work Project, 6 days
In short video clips, authors who have devoted themselves to the working lives of believers share practical perspectives on ambition’s place within a biblical worldview.

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Today God is First – Devotions on Adversity

Os Hillman and Marketplace Leaders, 18 days
Os Hillman’s “TGIF” devotional offers daily inspiration and encouragement for how you can bring God’s presence into your calling in the workplace.

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Plans on Leadership



Leadership Personal Development

Leadership Bible, 14 days
From the NIV Leadership Bible, ancient and contemporary leadership experts address what the Bible has to say about character, risk, integrity, setting priorities, and more.

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The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan

John C. Maxwell, 30 days
Featuring excerpts from Dr. Maxwell’s comprehensive work on leadership, discover biblical principles that allow you to glorify God by leading and empowering others.

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Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership

Lead Like Jesus, 21 days
Discover practical application from insights into the many ways that Jesus developed people and handled difficult situations.

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Authentic Christian Leadership

Zondervan, 14 days
In excerpts from the NIV Once-a-Day Bible for Leaders, leaders like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Max De Pree, and Mark Batterson share godly wisdom on challenging growth topics.

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