Bible21: Nejnovější český překlad Bible

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Jsme velmi nadšeni z rostoucí nabídky překladů Bible na YouVersion, a náš nejnovější přírůstek, Bible21, přináší skvělé možnosti pro česky mluvící komunitu.

Nárůst světového čtení Bible
Zatímco český překlad Bible už je na YouVersion dostupný už delší dobu, chtěli jsme do naší nabídky přidat moderní překlad. Bible21 je přesně tím – umožňuje snadné čtení Písma. Toto je součást našeho neustálého úsilí poskytovat nejlepší a nejaktuálnější překlady Bible ve všech jazycích na světě.

Kde málokdo zná Krista
Naše partnerství s Biblionem, který nám dodává překlad Bible21, oslovuje Českou republiku, kde většina populace je ateistická. Tento článek z roku 2006 dobře vystihuje současnou náboženskou situaci v srdci Evropy.

Naší čeští přátelé mohou začít číst překlad Bible21 na a na jejich mobilních zařízeních už dnes.

Bible21: The Newest Czech Bible Translation

Přečtěte si tento článek v angličtině.

We’re pretty excited about the growing list of Bible translations available on YouVersion, and the latest brings a great option for the Czech-speaking community: Bible21.

An Increase in International Engagement with the Bible
While a Czech translation of the Bible has been available on YouVersion for some time, we’ve wanted to offer an updated translation in the Czech common language. Bible21 is exactly that, and helps make Scripture more accessible. It’s part of our continuing effort to provide the best, most up-to-date Bible translations in every language on earth.

Where Few Know Christ
Our partnership with Biblion to provide the Bible21 translation reaches out to the Czech Republic, a nation with a largely atheist population. This article from 2006 does an excellent job of explaining the current religious temperature in the heart of Europe.

Our Czech friends can start reading the Bible21 translation on or in your Bible app today.

Reina Valera 1960 Spanish Bible on YouVersion

Download Spanish Bible App

Leer en Español

Millions of people around the world are discovering and using YouVersion to read the Bible in their native language. We currently offer 22 different languages, and we’re excited to expand our list of free Bible translations so more and more people will be able to engage with Scripture.

In partnership with the American Bible Society and United Bible Societies, we’re thrilled to announce the addition of a new Spanish Bible to YouVersion’s growing list of Bible translations: the Reina-Valera 1960. The RVR60 is one of the most popular Spanish Bible translations and is read by tens of millions of people in dozens of countries.

The addition of the RVR60 opens a huge opportunity for YouVersion to help millions more engage with Scripture. You can start reading it now by choosing the RVR60 from the list of available translations when you’re reading the Bible on or in any of YouVersion’s mobile apps.

YouVersion Bible App Wins Prize in Palm Contest

The YouVersion Bible app for Palm webOS was recently awarded $1,000 for being one of the most-downloaded webOS apps. Palm held a developer contest to see which webOS applications could garner the most downloads over a specified period of time, and thanks to you, the amazing YouVersion community, the YouVersion Bible app for Palm webOS was honored to be among the most downloaded free apps in the Palm App Catalog.

Ever since we announced the launch of our first Palm webOS Bible app, and then our relaunch with a native, full-featured app, the YouVersion Bible app has remained among the hottest apps in the Palm App Catalog. Whether it’s because of our passionate users or because it’s the most advanced app in the YouVersion lineup of mobile apps, the webOS Bible app has been one more tool to help more people engage in Scripture wherever they are.

Thanks again to our amazing users for helping us win the $1,000 prize. We’re excited to invest it into more development to continue our mission of increasing Bible engagement around the world.

Introducing “Free Bible” Pages for Your Organization

We live in exciting times! Through the Internet and mobile technology, more people than ever can access the Bible anytime, anywhere. And today, we’d like to introduce an opportunity for you to join us in this mission to spread God’s Word. With a Free Bible page, your church, business, company, or organization can generously offer a free Bible and connect people to the the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit as they engage in Scripture.

For no cost, we’ll create a Free Bible page on featuring your logo and a personal message from your organization. Actually, we’ll create two different pages: a page that’s optimized for mobile and another for standard web browsers. The content will focus on making it easy to download the free Bible app.

An Example

Oral Roberts University is having their first chapel of the semester this Friday. ORU President Mark Rutland will ask students to pull out their phones and visit to get a free Bible. ORU took the initiative to set up that customized link, which will redirect to the standard URL we provided on our web site:

Would you like to have a Free Bible page for your organization?

Your organization has influence over people that might not discover the free Bible app on their own. This is a great opportunity for us to partner with incredible organizations like yours, who share our passion for spreading God’s Word.  Fill out this form if you would like to have a Free Bible page like this for your organization.