Bible App for Android gets updated!

We’re extremely excited to share all the details of the new Android Bible app with you today. This release (2.2) represents two months of re-imagining, redesigning, and development by our entire team and we think the investment has paid off with a one-of-a-kind Bible reading experience. In this release, you’ll find:

  • a complete redesign of the entire interface of the app
  • a brand new dashboard for quick navigation of key areas
  • dozens of small enhancements that make a big difference
Let’s jump into the fun details and take a look at some screenshots along the way.

Complete Redesign
Two months ago, we went back to the drawing board with the Android Bible app design to make reading the Bible an even more pleasing experience on your Android device. We thought through every element, menu item, and button to make sure you you could get around in the app easily and focus on Scripture.

The redesign is too extensive to detail here, so take a peek at a couple screenshots and download the 2.2 release to experience the real thing. The biggest enhancements can be found in the Bible reader and reading plans.

New Dashboard
When we released the Palm webOS Bible app, we saw the benefit for our users to have a dashboard to act as a central hub for the main components of the app. The Android Bible app’s dashboard now includes a news section where you’ll find announcements about YouVersion, warnings about scheduled server maintenance, ways to connect with the YouVersion team on Twitter and Facebook, and a few splashes of color for your visual enjoyment.

Lots of Small Tweaks
We love to enhance the little things that make your experience the best it can be. Our team made over 70 changes to the Android Bible app for this release (some seen and some unseen) including tweaks that will improve the speed of the app, better communication with the user, and small design adjustments. Here are a few samples:

  • double-tap the header to scroll to the top
  • progress bars in the reading plans list for plans you’ve started
  • sharing multiple verses at one time
  • your bookmarks sync automatically with
  • donate to YouVersion inside the app
  • more helpful error messages when something goes wrong
  • lots of little bug fixes

We know you’ll enjoy the changes in release 2.2 of the Android Bible app, so download it now and engage with Scripture like never before.

Where do you read the Bible?

We always love hearing about how YouVersion users read the Bible. Whether you find us at a conference or just send us an email, it makes us happy to know that you are finding new ways to engage Scripture with YouVersion. Today we’re curious about where you read the Bible, so let us know by answering the poll below.

Where do you read the Bible?
At home
At work

Web Polls

If you have a few moments, leave a comment describing your favorite reading spot and why it’s perfect for engaging with Scripture.

Bible21: Nejnovější český překlad Bible

Read in English.

Jsme velmi nadšeni z rostoucí nabídky překladů Bible na YouVersion, a náš nejnovější přírůstek, Bible21, přináší skvělé možnosti pro česky mluvící komunitu.

Nárůst světového čtení Bible
Zatímco český překlad Bible už je na YouVersion dostupný už delší dobu, chtěli jsme do naší nabídky přidat moderní překlad. Bible21 je přesně tím – umožňuje snadné čtení Písma. Toto je součást našeho neustálého úsilí poskytovat nejlepší a nejaktuálnější překlady Bible ve všech jazycích na světě.

Kde málokdo zná Krista
Naše partnerství s Biblionem, který nám dodává překlad Bible21, oslovuje Českou republiku, kde většina populace je ateistická. Tento článek z roku 2006 dobře vystihuje současnou náboženskou situaci v srdci Evropy.

Naší čeští přátelé mohou začít číst překlad Bible21 na a na jejich mobilních zařízeních už dnes.

Bible21: The Newest Czech Bible Translation

Přečtěte si tento článek v angličtině.

We’re pretty excited about the growing list of Bible translations available on YouVersion, and the latest brings a great option for the Czech-speaking community: Bible21.

An Increase in International Engagement with the Bible
While a Czech translation of the Bible has been available on YouVersion for some time, we’ve wanted to offer an updated translation in the Czech common language. Bible21 is exactly that, and helps make Scripture more accessible. It’s part of our continuing effort to provide the best, most up-to-date Bible translations in every language on earth.

Where Few Know Christ
Our partnership with Biblion to provide the Bible21 translation reaches out to the Czech Republic, a nation with a largely atheist population. This article from 2006 does an excellent job of explaining the current religious temperature in the heart of Europe.

Our Czech friends can start reading the Bible21 translation on or in your Bible app today.

Reina Valera 1960 Spanish Bible on YouVersion

Download Spanish Bible App

Leer en Español

Millions of people around the world are discovering and using YouVersion to read the Bible in their native language. We currently offer 22 different languages, and we’re excited to expand our list of free Bible translations so more and more people will be able to engage with Scripture.

In partnership with the American Bible Society and United Bible Societies, we’re thrilled to announce the addition of a new Spanish Bible to YouVersion’s growing list of Bible translations: the Reina-Valera 1960. The RVR60 is one of the most popular Spanish Bible translations and is read by tens of millions of people in dozens of countries.

The addition of the RVR60 opens a huge opportunity for YouVersion to help millions more engage with Scripture. You can start reading it now by choosing the RVR60 from the list of available translations when you’re reading the Bible on or in any of YouVersion’s mobile apps.