Two billion minutes reading the Bible is a huge milestone for the YouVersion community. Since it’s tough to visualize such a huge number, let’s break it down. Two billion minutes equals:
- 3,800 years (Abraham was alive 3,800 years ago.)
- 1,388,889 days (You could fly around the world 785,714 times.)
- 33,000,000 hours (You could fly to the moon 458,333 times.)
While 2 billion minutes is a huge milestone by itself, an even more amazing feat is that you reached 2 billion minutes in a fraction of the time it took you to reach 1 billion minutes. That means Scripture engagement on mobile devices is taking off like a rocket!
More time engaging the Bible— it’s why YouVersion exists, and you continue to break new ground and set new records doing just that. Way to go! Celebrate with us at or leave a comment below to let us know what you think of people reading the Bible for 2 billion minutes on mobile devices.