Videos for you to use Introducing YouVersion Live to your Group, Church or Event

Below are a couple resources we wanted to pass on to all of you who have been creating groups and events inside YouVersion Live the past month. First, we have a video you can use to help introduce YouVersion Live to those participating in your event whether a church congregation, small group or concert.

YouVersion Live – For use with your Event Community.

Secondly, maybe you love what YouVersion Live can do but have had a hard time explaining it to a leader, your team or event coordinator. For that we have two videos below. One is a quick explanation that could be used at both an event or one on one. The other is a full webinar explaining the roots of YouVersion Live and its core functionality.

YouVersion Live for Leaders – To Explain to Leaders, a Team or Group Looking to Leverage YouVersion Live.

YouVersion Live Webinar – For a detailed look at YouVersion Live

Don’t worry, the two promotional videos are available for download in HD as both a movie file or for use on DVD so you can easily use them during your events. They are hosted at OPEN over at for Free! Downloadable Version at OPEN.

iPhone Bible Update 2.1 Submitted to iTunes Store

Today we pushed a new update to the Apple iTunes Store for approval. Version 2.1 is really laying a great foundation for a huge release coming in just a few weeks…more about those details in a few days. Anyway, we wanted you to know about what is coming, and what you can expect to see in version 2.1.

What’s New In Version 2.1:

  • Optimized for iPhone OS 3.0
  • Nueva Version Internacional translation
  • Tweet verse now includes 140 characters of verse
  • Updated Live, improved details in emailing notes
  • Improved memory management
  • Fixed CUV translation issue

Hey and don’t forget, to keep up with the latest updates and news follow us on Twitter at Thank you so much for your continued support!

Aaron Keyes – What do you love about YouVersion?

We were thrilled to connect with Aaron Keyes and others during Catalyst and talk with them about why they love YouVersion.

If you need some new reasons to love YouVersion we’ve announced several this week!

To share why you love YouVersion head on over to our Facebook page and let us know!