Link this blog post to 2 Corinthians 4:18. In the blog, Brenton talks about how he was impacted from a talk where Bill Hybels expands on that verse.
100 things you can do with YouVersion: #9
Tell a story of when someone showed you love that was patient and link it to 1 Cor 13:1.
100 things you can do with YouVersion: #8
Create your own custom “verse of the _______ (day, week, month)” RSS feed by creating a tag that others can subscribe to and adding a new verse to the feed as appropriate.
100 things you can do with YouVersion: #7
Link scriptures that provide insight to specific news articles on current events.
100 things you can do with YouVersion: #6
Use the journal function to build a daily or weekly journal that is stored online and privately accessible from any computer connected to the Internet.