How do you study the Bible? Here are 5 steps…

Person standing on city street

This year, many of us have had to adapt to a “new normal” that doesn’t feel normal. Sudden life adjustments like this can negatively impact mental health and lead to chronic fatigue and burnout.

Yet, in the midst of this, God still calls us to come to Him, promising to give us rest. One way we draw closer to God is by spending time in His Word, but how do you make time with God a daily habit? And then, how do you bridge the gap between knowing Scripture and living it out every day?

Here are 5 seamless steps (that form an easy to remember acronym) that can help you PAUSE, rest, and study the Bible every day—even when you feel overwhelmed.

Prepare your heart

Lord, my heart is not proud. I don’t look down on others. I don’t do great things, and I can’t do miracles. But I am calm and quiet.… I am at peace, like a baby with its mother.

PSALM 131:1-2

Start your quiet time by reciting this Psalm, and then write out your concerns and worries. Visualize putting everything that’s competing for your attention into a box, then giving that box to God. (You may have to repeat this process several times before you feel ready to move on to the next step.)

Ask God to Speak to You

Before you dive into your daily Bible study, ask God to help you understand His Word, and how you can apply Scripture correctly to your life. He promises to give us His wisdom when we ask for it.

A Prayer for Wisdom:

God, please quiet my mind so that I can hear You clearly. I want Your wisdom as I study this passage, so that I can recognize biblical truth and apply it to my life. Please help me clearly see You at work in Your Word. Amen.

Save this Prayer to your Bible App

Unpack the passage

When was the passage written? Who was the intended audience? What is the main theme? Are there any repetitive words and phrases (if so, why)? What does the passage show you about God’s character?

As you begin your Bible study, read through the passage several times, each time answering a different question. Pay special attention to any phrases or ideas that continue to stand out to you.

Summarize the Scripture

What resonated with you as you were reading? Spend several minutes asking God to show you the truths in His Word, and then write down 1-3 key takeaways from the passage. This will help you process and track the insights that God shows you.

Exercise the Application

If you want to grow stronger in your faith, then it’s not enough simply to study God’s Word—you also need to live it out.

Write out 2-3 ways you want to practically apply the Scriptures you’ve studied, and then regularly check your progress. You can even turn your goals into Prayers in your Bible App, and set reminders to pray about them!

Once you’ve finished your Bible study, spend a few minutes in silent reflection, and ask God to remind you throughout the day of all that you learned.

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Even when uncertainty surrounds us, choosing to PAUSE with God daily will ultimately help us see our problems and pain from His eternal perspective. And in the process, we will find rest for our souls and renewed hope for our lives.

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Here are your top Plan picks for August.

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Find a Plan. Build a Community.

What’s on your heart and mind right now? Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to face it alone. We were made to go through life alongside other people.

If you’re looking for a way to build trusted relationships, try one of these Plans, and invite friends to join you. See what spiritual growth can happen when you draw near to God, together.

More Plans for You

We’re seeing God do incredible things.

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What would it look like for us to see God’s kingdom and His will on earth?

We want to see people from every nation and tribe and language drawing closer to God every day. Everything we create at YouVersion, we’re designing to help make that happen.

And it’s working: for the last several months, we’ve seen God drawing more people to connect with Him through His Word. We’ve seen people searching for love, peace, and justice in the Bible, then sharing what they find with others, with more than 40 million verses shared each month. We’ve seen more families than ever before exploring biblical truths in the Bible App for Kids. And, we’ve seen millions of prayers added since launching YouVersion Prayer earlier this year.

To all of our generous partners and supporters: Thank you. You are making it possible for us to reflect Christ’s hope and healing to a hurting world every day. You’re helping people like Gulshan find hope in God’s Word:

Gulshan S. <span>- Mumbai, India</span>

Gulshan S. – Mumbai, India

“YouVersion was a spring in the midst of a desert. YouVersion enriched my spiritual life with daily verses, and with Plans power-packed with Godly solutions. YouVersion taught me how to pray and deal with issues, and is still helping me.”

We can’t wait to see what He does next.

With people all over the world seeking hope and direction, this may be one of the greatest opportunities —not only to transform our world right now, but to make a difference in eternity. So please pray with us, and join us in this work of helping people all over the world form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately every single day.

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Reclaim some space for rest.

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We know we should rest. So why don’t we?

2020 has been a tough year for most of us. Challenges with work, family life, finances—even with physical health—have made it difficult to find room for rest. And yet, we know that rest matters to God so much that He even made it a commandment. To help you reclaim some space in your life for rest, here’s a sample from a new 5-day Plan we created:

Rest is a gift that we too easily tend to push aside. But life without rest is not sustainable. Rest refreshes our bodies, giving us the energy we need to honor God and to love others. Learning to practice rest is a spiritual discipline that helps you enjoy God’s presence…

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This is waiting for you: 🏅

2020 Mid-Year Challenge

There’s still time…

Make this your moment.

Whatever you are going through right now, you can always draw near to God. He never stops waiting for us to refocus our hearts and minds on Him.

The Mid-Year Challenge is a great way to seek God’s heart—and there’s still time to join. Just finish at least one day of a Plan for 7 days in a row before July 31, and you’ll earn an exclusive Badge.*

Seize the moment and get started!

Still need a Plan?

Try one of these:

View More Plans

* See this post for all the details on the Mid-Year Challenge.