Listen to your Mid-Year Challenge Plans.

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Are you taking the Challenge? We started the annual Mid-Year Challenge to help you get on track spending time with God in His Word every day:

2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge

Complete seven days’ worth of Bible Plan content in a row, and you’ll earn this special badge.

Finding Plans is easy. Just go to the Plans tab in the app and try one of our recommended Plans. Or search by topic, keyword, author… even by emotion.

And, if you didn’t know, now you can even have your Amazon Alexa or Google device read your Plans to you! Just try one of these:

“Alexa, ask YouVersion Bible to read my Plan”

“Ok Google, ask YouVersion Bible
to read my Plan”

Find a Plan

How Do I Lead My Children Spiritually?

Father and daughter coloring

Teach [God’s words] to your children. Talk about them all the time—whether you’re at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning.


It can be hard to explain your faith to your children in ways they can understand. Fortunately, you don’t have to know everything or have it all figured out. In fact, when you explore your faith together with your kids, you’re giving them something more valuable than just information: your time and attention.

Experience the Big Stories of the Bible, Together.

Of course, you could just open Bible App for Kids on your phone and hand it to your child (maybe so you can get some chores done). But, consider trying this: sit with your child in your lap and ask them to show you a story. Let your child show you how the app works. (Ask lots of questions!) Sharing the app together will create natural opportunities for you to talk… and you’ll learn what’s on your child’s mind.

Get the App

Explore These Free Resources, Together. is the companion website to Bible App for Kids. It has coloring pages for them, parent guides for you, activities for you both, streaming video episodes, and more. Consider watching a video together and talking about it. Or print some coloring sheets, then color them together. All of these are completely free. And, just as with the app, exploring the website together will give you plenty to talk about.

Visit the Website

Find Your People.

While you could share your family’s values with your kids (and you should), they’ll actually absorb much more from what they see your family living out every day. It’s a great idea to surround your family with other families that share similar values. And if you don’t have a church home yet, the Events feature in the Bible App can help you find gatherings taking place near you.

Look for Events

Take Some Pictures, Together

Do your kids understand that they live in a world that God made for them? Use Bible Lens to take some selfies together, then talk about the Bible verses it suggests for your pictures. (Experiment with different Bible versions to find one that’s easy for your children to understand.) Let your kids take pictures of things they like, like birds, trees, pets, and toys, and then talk about what Bible Lens says about them. Introduce them to the wonder of God’s world that’s all around them.

Get Bible Lens

You’re Already Leading Your Family Spiritually

Everything we’ve offered here are just suggestions. We hope they’ll spark even more ideas for ways you can invest in your family. Whether or not you choose to try any of them, realize this: you’re already leading your family. Whatever you choose to do each day, your children are learning from you that those are the things you value. Be intentional about the direction you choose to go as a family… and do it together.

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How Do I Encourage My Family to Engage with God’s Word?

Mother holding her daughter

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living…

2 TIMOTHY 3:16

We all know someone struggling to connect with God’s Word. Perhaps they’re experiencing pain or loss. Perhaps they’re involved in something they shouldn’t be. Maybe they just don’t see how the Bible is relevant to them.

Whether it’s an aunt, uncle, parent, child, or a friend you consider family — how can we, as followers of Christ, help loved ones experience the transformative Word of God for themselves?

Here are three ways you can help your family get into God’s Word:

Be an Example.

God’s Word encourages us to set an example in what we say, how we act, and how we love. Why? Because how we choose to act and react has a lasting impact.

How can you set an example? Agree on a time each day when you’ll study the Bible together. (You could even memorize the Bible App’s Verse of the Day together.) Talk about Scripture whenever you have time together: at breakfast, on the way to school or work, and in the evening. Your interaction with God’s Word will influence how your family perceives God’s Word.

Make God’s Word Personal.

You can’t force your family to care about the Bible, but you can help them discover the value God’s Word can add to their lives.

Consider sharing a Verse Image from the Bible App with someone who needs encouragement or wisdom. If you have kids in your life, download the Bible App for Kids and complete a story together. Try reading from a Bible version your family can enjoy together. When you help your family see how they can apply God’s Word to their lives, they’ll be more likely to own their spiritual growth.

Keep Showing Up.

If growth doesn’t happen immediately, it’s normal to get discouraged. Remind yourself why you’re doing this: these are your people, and you love them. You know how much better your life is with God’s Word in it, and you want that for them.

Keep being diligent. When your family sees that your commitment to the Scriptures is an important part of your life and not just a phase you’re going through, this will impact them more than anything you say.

If you do start feeling discouraged, consider starting a Family Plan to keep your daily devotions on track. Surround yourself with friends who will encourage you as you pursue leading your family spiritually.

Ultimately, it’s not all up to you. God’s words have the ability to transform lives, but we get to play an active part in that transformation. You are not your family’s Savior — but you can be a cultivator of Spiritual growth.

Start engaging with God’s Word together on the Bible App and Bible App for Kids, and let us know what tools have helped your family grow spiritually.

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How Can I “Speak Life” Over My Family?

Family sitting on bed

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.


Has anyone ever said something that hurt you? Isn’t it strange how you can still feel the sting of those words, even today? What about kind words? Has anyone ever said something encouraging to you — maybe a friend or a teacher — that still makes you smile when you think of it now? How do you want the people you love to remember your words?

You have the power to speak life.

But what should you say? Here are some things you can try:

Pray Scripture Over Your Loved Ones.

Not sure what to pray? Pastor and author Cindy Beall developed three Bible Plans with simple templates for praying for your kids. Each day, she suggests some Bible verses you can pray, with blanks that show you where to insert your child’s name. But you can also use them to pray God’s life-changing Word over anyone you want. Find them here:

Praying God’s Word Over Your Kids

Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3

Pick a Family Theme Verse Together.

If you were to ask a friend, “What’s one word that sums up my family?” What would they say? Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Talk with your family about what character traits you want to be known for. Then, in the Bible App, tap the Search tab, and explore one of the categories under “What does the Bible say about…” (Or just type the trait you want into the Search box.)

Find a Family Verse together that reflects the values you want. Use a family picture as your background, and turn it into a Family Verse Image. Save it as the background on your devices. Or print it, frame it, and give it a prominent place in your home. Making your Family Verse Image visible will help everyone in your family memorize it — and remember what you want your family to be about.

You can’t control the circumstances that your family will face. But you can choose how you respond. And when you choose…

Choose to Speak Life.

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Where do you start in the Bible?

If you’re like most people, you got the Bible App because you believe the Bible is important. And it is! The Bible is God’s inspired Word, with the power to create positive change in your life. But the Bible is like a whole library of books, with so much to explore.

Where should you begin?

Start here.

On the app, tap the Search tab (bottom right), where you’ll find several different ways to get into the Bible:



Type anything you want in the search box, and see Bible verses and more.

What does the Bible say about…


Tap any keyword to see Bible verses and Plans on that topic.

How are you feeling?

😀  😠  😢  😨

Tap an emoji to discover what God’s Word says about your emotions.

Bible Stories.

Tap to see a list of the “big” stories of the Bible, so you can read or listen to them in their original context.

Verse Images.

Select any Verse Image to see the reference, to share it, to read it in context, and even to see Plans that contain that verse.

Explore Now