What Does This Mean?

Person using phone

Do you ever find yourself reading verses in the Bible multiple times, trying to understand what they mean?

Plans are a great way to help you understand the Bible and grow in your faith.

And, when our foundation is established in God’s Word, our faith grows stronger, transforming every aspect of our lives.

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What Plan are you doing this month?
Let us know by tagging @youversion on social media.

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Community Highlights



“My reading disability has always affected me…”


For years, when it came to reading the Bible, I was limited to a surface-level understanding.

But when I started using the OpenDyslexic font in YouVersion and listening to Audio Bibles, my experience completely changed. I could finally fully encounter God through His Word.

My reading disability has been a source of shame, but having YouVersion care about my needs helps me feel supported and known.

P.S. To listen to Audio Bibles, open your favorite Bible version in the app and tap the speaker icon at the top of your screen.


Prayer Reminders

We can all use a reminder every once in a while that we can talk to God about anything.

To set up Prayer Reminders, go to your Push Notification Settings in YouVersion, and tap “Remind me to pray.”

Get Started


In the last month, our Community has completed over 69,000,000 Plan Days.

That’s equivalent to the entire population of the United Kingdom reading a Plan Day.

Start a Plan

With Plans, you’re growing closer to God every day, alongside a diverse, global Community. That’s something to celebrate!

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What Are You Praying For?

Person praying

If something in your life is big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about.

Not sure where to start? Choose one of these customizable prayers to add to your YouVersion Prayer List.

I’m worried about…

God, when I think about ______ I feel ______. Help me to fix my eyes on you when things feel out of my control. Remind me that you won’t give up on me because You care about me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Create Prayer >

I’m hoping for…

God, You understand my deepest wants and needs. Help me to surrender my expectations about ______. As I pursue Your plans, help me to remember that you’ve already helped me with ______. Show me how to live a life worthy of the calling You’ve given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Create Prayer >

My relationship with…

God, I surrender my relationship with ______ to you. Guide us as we navigate this season. Help me see where I’m ______ and ______ so that I can surrender those things to You and replace those traits with Your selfless love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Create Prayer >

P.S. After you create a Prayer, be sure to tap Share with Friends so they can pray for you!

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“I Quit Reading Scripture.”

“I quit reading Scripture.”

Marcel had trouble reading Scripture for years.

“I often thought of it as reading entire chapters of boring text, and I convinced myself that listening to Scripture during church service was enough.”

Then a friend told him about YouVersion.

“Step by step, day by day, before I realized it, I was reading the Bible again – every day!”

Through God’s Word, Marcel was able to draw closer to God and grow in his faith in a life-changing way.

After four years of consistently experiencing God’s Word, Marcel is helping other people experience the same life change by volunteering on our Slovak Localization Team.

Don’t miss what God is doing.

When you give to YouVersion, you’re helping people like Marcel experience God’s Word and use their gifts to impact others.

Here’s one way God may want to use you to be a part of the next person’s life change.

Give Now

The easiest way to contribute to our mission is by setting up a recurring gift.

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Who Are You Becoming?

Person looking out window

The decisions you make today influence who you are becoming.

When you choose to follow Jesus, you are made new and being formed into His image.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


Build spiritual habits to become more like Jesus each day with these Plans.

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