Run Forward: Start the 21-Day Challenge!

21-Day Challenge

What do you spend your time running towards?

We are all in a race that God has put in front of us. And each day we have to choose whether we will move forward toward the finish line, or move away from our calling and our Savior.

The future still feels uncertain, which may make it tempting to slow down and stop pursuing healthy spiritual habits. But the actions you take today determine the trajectory of your life. This is why deciding to daily draw near to God matters.

As February begins, challenge yourself to daily fix your eyes on Jesus and make time with God a habit by joining the 21-Day Challenge.

Get the 21-Day Challenge Badge by
completing at least one Plan day for 21 days
before February ends.

21-Day Challenge Badge

To get the most out of your Challenge, invite a few trusted Friends to join you. (And don’t miss any days by setting up daily reminders in your Plan settings.) If you finish your Plan before the end of the Challenge, just start another one and keep going!

Now—let the Challenge begin!

Browse More Plans

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The 21-Day Challenge Starts Soon!

21-Day Challenge

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

HEBREWS 12:1-2

January is typically a time where we realign our lives and prepare our hearts for what God has next. But when the future still feels uncertain, it may seem tempting to stop pursuing healthy habits and long-term goals.

What we train our minds to focus on impacts our ability to persevere through long seasons—which is why keeping our momentum going by passionately pursuing Jesus matters.

When you seek God’s will for your life, over time your life will reflect His character. So during February, challenge yourself to make time with Him a daily habit by completing the 21-Day Challenge.

Official Rules

The 21-Day Challenge begins February 1, 2021 and runs through the month of February.

Make sure everything is checked

Get the 21-Day Challenge Badge by
completing at least one Plan day for 21 days
before February ends.

21-Day Challenge Badge

To get the most out of your Challenge, invite a few trusted Friends to join you. (And don’t miss any days by setting up daily reminders in your Plan settings.) If you finish your Plan before the end of the Challenge, just start another one and keep going!

Tap the button below to start finding the Plans you want. You can tap Save for Later on any Plan, then start it on February 1.

Pick Your Plans

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3 Ways to Listen to God’s Word

Woman listening to phone on headphones

Whether you’re in the car, taking a walk outside, doing chores around the house, or trying to find something new to listen to, make getting God’s words and dreams into your heart a daily habit.

Allow God to speak to You through His Word in a fresh way by listening to an Audio Bible or Audio Plan.

You can either pick a Plan from an audio collection or, anytime you see the Speaker icon icon above a Bible text or Plan, tap it, then press Play icon.

Here are some Plans to help get you started:

Does your family love listening to the Bible?

Try YouVersion Bible for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. (Your kids can also listen to over 40 Bible stories from Bible App for Kids on Amazon devices!)

Just say:

Happy New Year!


Start Fresh. Finish Strong.

It’s a new year! Let that sink in for a moment. While we don’t know what tomorrow holds, we do know the One who holds tomorrow. So, how can you prepare for 2021?

Fix your eyes on Jesus, and make time with Him a daily habit. Follow His directions for your life, and over time your life will reflect His character.

Simply start one of these Plans, invite friends to join you, and commit to seeking God every day this year.

More Plans

YouVersion’s Highest-Rated Bible Plans of 2020

Person looking at Plans on phone

Ready for 2021? Despite this year’s challenges, we saw more people drawing near to God through the YouVersion Bible App than ever before.

As you prepare for a new year, reflect on some of the major ways God has strengthened our YouVersion Community this year by completing some of the most popular Bible Plans of 2020.

View More Plans

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What Legacy Will You Leave in 2020?

Despite this year’s challenges, God was changing millions of lives around the world through His Word. And when you give an end of year gift to YouVersion, you help make sure that every person, speaking any language, can experience the life-transforming power of Jesus.

Give Now >