Get ready for YouVersion’s 2019 21-Day Challenge!

Man reading Bible on phone

We started our annual 21-Day Challenge to help people start building a daily habit of connecting with God’s Word. Maybe you’ve never considered trying to start that habit. Or maybe you started off strong at the beginning of the year… and you’ve already started to taper off.

No matter where you stand, the 21-Day Challenge is your chance to get in on the fun, or back on track. And, we’re sharing the Challenge early this year, to give you time to select the Plans you want to do and to invite friends to join you!

Official Rules

The 21-Day Challenge begins February 1, 2019 and runs through February 21, 2019.

To be eligible to earn your special 2019 21-Day Challenge Badge, you must complete at least one day’s reading (or listening) of at least one Plan, every day for 21 days.

If you’ve already started a Plan before February 1, that’s fine. Just keep going, and don’t miss any days.

You don’t have to do a Plan that lasts 21 days. You can do Plans of any length, even if they’re longer or shorter than 21 days. Simply make sure that you complete at least one day of at least one Plan for every one of the 21 days.

Each time you complete a day, make sure that all of that day’s selections are checked as completed:

Make sure everything is checked

If you complete all 21 days (without missing any days), you will receive our special 2019 21-Day Challenge Badge in your Bible App profile:

2019 21-Day Challenge Badge

To view your Badges: In the Bible App,
go to your profile and select Badges.

Here’s what you should do now.

If this is your first challenge, we recommend you start with a shorter Plan, then just keep completing one short Plan after another. Take it one day at a time and, as your habit grows, gradually ease into longer and longer Plans.

Tap the button below to find the Plans you want to do for the challenge. You can tap Save for Later on any Plans you like, then start one on February 1, the first day of the challenge (or even before). Or, may we also suggest:

Plans are better with friends! On whichever Plan you want to do first, tap Start Plan, select With Friends, set the start date for February 1, then invite a friend (or 2 or 5). (This will give your friends a heads-up before it starts.)

Let’s do this!

Pick Your Plans

Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King: Cultivating a Heart of Mercy

You probably know Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King as the daughter of Coretta Scott King and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You may also recognize her as an international orator and speaker, from appearances on CNN and BET, or from magazines such as People and Ebony. Today, Bernice’s work at The King Center and other organizations is transforming future generations to Think, Act, Live, and Lead by the Kingian Nonviolence principles modeled by her parents.

Cultivating a Heart of Mercy

is an all-new, 6-day Bible Plan, featuring exclusive video content from the Hard Questions, Heart Answers author. Through a series of inspiring video devotionals, Bernice shows us the relationship between justice and mercy, reveals the source of our power to forgive, and shares how we can redeem our own suffering to serve others.

Start Plan

Save for Later

His Word Does Not Return Void: A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King

In this YouVersion exclusive video, Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King shares how the power of God’s Word shaped her her life growing up as the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., and how we can tap into that same power today, in order to practice true justice towards others: by walking in mercy and humility.

When you start practicing in this vein — doing justice, and loving mercy — it invites God into the equation and gives Him room to operate.


Connect with Bernice:

Instagram: BRoyal12

Facebook: Be A King

Twitter: @BerniceKing

Website: Bernice A King

Level up your Bible habit.

Woman reading Bible on phone

Plans help you get God’s Word speaking into your life, on a daily basis.

Passion & Purpose

As you’re reflecting on what different verses mean to you, it’s wise to invite other perspectives.

Am I Enough: Embracing The Truth About Who You Are

But how can you explore questions of faith when you’re not even sure what others would think?


By making it a conversation with friends.

Group of people discussing the Bible

All the Plans you see here are some of the most popular ones that friends already enjoy together. But you can do any Plan with friends. Just start a Plan, tap With Friends, and invite a friend (or two, or five) to join you.

Move Forward // Renew Your Relationship With God

Yes, it really is that simple.

Choose Brave

After each day’s reading, everyone who accepted your invitation can share their thoughts in a discussion space, group-text-style.

Remnant: Learning From The Passionate Apostle

Together, you’ll discover things in God’s Word that you might not have noticed on your own.

Better Together

The Bible App is better with friends.

Squad Goals

See More Plans

How to Start Reading the Bible

The Bible, commonly referred to as God’s Word or Scripture, is our guidebook as Christ followers and is a key component to help us walk closer with Jesus. While it doesn’t answer all of our questions, it does provide direction to us about who God is, how to be in relationship with others, how to live with purpose, and how to receive eternal life.

One of the most daunting things we can be told is that we should read it more. But we can learn some powerful truths about the Bible, and that will encourage us to make it a part of our daily routine.

How to Start Reading the Bible – YouTube

How to Start Reading the Bible – Bible Plan

I just got Verse of the Day. Now what?

Person using Verse of the Day on phone

God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right.

2 TIMOTHY 3:16

Many of us at YouVersion approach our daily devotional time with the Bible in three simple steps:

1. Receive.

Prepare your mind to understand what God wants for you, and open your heart to welcome His instruction. Try praying something like this:

Father, thank you for your Word. Please help me hear what your Spirit wants to say to me through it. And please show me where I can apply it in my life. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

2. Reflect.

Don’t just skim over the passage and move on. Really read it, carefully. Need help understanding? Just tap the verse to open it in the Bible App, where you’ll be able to:

Compare this verse in different Bible versions.

Read it in the context of its full chapter.

Listen to it in audio.

Even share it with others and get their thoughts.

3. Respond.

Once you’ve really listened to God’s Word, next let it speak to you. Think about what it means to your life. What should you do differently? Is there something you should stop? Maybe there’s something you could start. This is where life transformation happens.

Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it. If you hear the message and don’t obey it, you are like people who stare at themselves in a mirror and forget what they look like as soon as they leave.

JAMES 1:22-24

4. Bonus! Start a Plan.

Verse of the Day is a terrific way to connect with God’s word. For your next step, consider a Bible Plan.

Plans give you a manageable portion of Scripture to read each day, along with devotional content that helps you reflect on what it means in your everyday life. We have Plans for almost every season of life, on almost any topic you might be interested in.

Discover Plans