Parents, Students, and Kids: Plans for the coming season.


Enjoy a Season of Renewal

In many parts of the world, August brings a change of season: students are returning to school, which means new teachers, new acquaintances, and new surroundings for them. And of course, new schedules — for everyone in the family!

Planning your family’s days around this “new normal” offers a unique opportunity to really think through the things you value most as a family. Devoting just a few minutes each day to connecting around God’s Word together is one of the best ways we know to draw your family closer. We’ve carefully selected the following devotionals for parents, for youth, and even for your little ones. (And, if you see a plan you like here, be sure you share it with friends!)

Plans for Parents


‘On The Farm’ Parenting Devotional

Journey Church PA, 28 days
Daily Scripture readings and short devotionals help you see how you can lead your children with biblical principles.

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Parenting with Wisdom

Jim Daly, 7 days
Help your children thrive through a relationship of love and grace, backed up with values and expectations from God’s Word.

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How to Ruin Your Child in 7 Easy Steps

Patrick M. Quinn and Ken Roach, 7 days
See how the Seven Deadly Sins — wrath, greed, envy, lust, sloth, gluttony, and pride — influence our modern parenting.

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American Bible Society, 7 days
Discover biblical insight for raising your children according to what God desires.

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Plans for Students


Set Apart, 3 days
God calls us to be holy and to live holy lives… but what does that look like?

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Teens: Q&A Devotionals on Top Questions

Zondervan, 11 days
Featuring excerpts from the NIV Quest Study Bible for Teens, find Scriptural answers to many of the questions that teens commonly ask about God, faith, and the Bible.

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10 Things to Abandon for Spiritual Growth

Brian Price, 10 days
What baggage are you carrying? Materialism? Jealousy? Anger? Devotionals and prayer help you call it what it is and leave it behind.

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It Starts with Me

NewSpring Church, 21 days
You’ve already accepted that Jesus loves you. Now discover practical things you can do to live in a way that honors Him.

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Plans for Kids



Bible App for Kids – God’s Good News

OneHope, 5 days
Use this plan together with the Bible App for Kids to help your children learn how they can join in God’s Big Story by accepting His love — and by loving Him back.

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Godly Character, 8 days
Designed for parents to use together with their kids, each day reveals ways that we can let God’s Spirit change us, then locks in Bible verses with fun memory games.

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The Power of Same: Family Devotional (Ages 3+)

Elevation Church, 35 days
This companion devotional to The Power of Same and the Bible App for Kids helps your family learn how to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

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Truth or Trash

iKan Ministries, 35 days
With challenges from the popular app of the same name, your kids will strengthen their faith as they hold up common sayings to the light of God’s Word: Is it truth? Or just another selfish idea promoted by popular culture?

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Find Your Next Plan

Featured Plans: John Bevere, Donald Miller, Shauna Niequist, & More


Become Who God Made You to Be


For many around the world, August marks the end of one season — and the beginning of another. Our suggested Plans this month help you discover what Scripture has to say about living in a way that fulfills God’s purpose for your life.

Bible in One Year
from HTB, 365 days

New Day, New You
from Joyce Meyer Ministries, 14 days

Experiencing God’s Renewal
from, 5 days

New Thru 30
from Elevation Church, 30 days

Using Your Time for God
from Ligonier Ministries, 5 days


Find Your Next Plan

Featured Plans: Hope, Healing, Redemption, Purpose, Success, & More

A Few Ideas for Thanking Dad… and Becoming a Dad Who Inspires


…Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—
this is God, whose dwelling is holy.
Psalm 68:5 (NLT)

This weekend, in many countries around the world, people will be celebrating dads, grandpas, and father figures. As you celebrate the fathers in your life, here are some of our favorite verses, which you might share* to tell them thanks and offer them inspiration:

…Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

…be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Ephesians 6:10–11 (NIV)

The Lord is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
Psalm 103:13 (NLT)

* To share a verse: From inside the Bible App, just tap the verse(s) you want to share, then tap the “sharing” icon and follow the prompts.


Becoming a Dad Who Inspires.

If you’re a Dad looking for godly insight for how you can inspire the people who matter most to you, we’ve put together a list of several Bible Plans to help:

Just for Dads: Be a Positive Christian Role Model

Zondervan, 21 days
Covering topics like love, patience, self-discipline, and more, this series of devotionals helps you daily model for your family what it means to follow Christ.


Fight Devotional for Men

Craig Groeschel and Zondervan, 11 days
Using examples from the life of Samson, author and pastor Craig Groeschel helps you discover the powerful man with a warrior’s heart that God intends you to be.

Men’s Devotional: For Men, by Men

Men’s Devotional Bible, 14 days
Written by men for men, these engaging, practical devotions and application questions help you put God’s Word into practice in your everyday life.


UNCOMMEN, 5 days
In just a few minutes each day, this series of short devotionals will stretch your dad muscles and help you learn to lead as a husband and father.


31 Days of Building Your Family’s Values

Family I.D., 31 days
Explore biblical values that your family can pray through together, helping guide you through the daily decisions that will one day become your legacy.


NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Men

Once A Day, 21 days
Featuring excerpts from the Once-A-Day Devotional for Men, daily devotions encourage you with insights into what it means to be God’s son.

Featured Plans: Duck Commanders Phil and Al, Rick Warren, Larry Osborne, & More


Breathe in Faith, Fresh Every Day

We carefully selected these additional June suggestions to help you explore biblical truths that have the power to transform your everyday walk with God:

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
from Dr. David Jeremiah and David C Cook, 7 days
Prayers For Your Nation
from Tony Evans and Abide, 31 days
Finding Work Life Balance
from The High Calling and Theology of Work, 9 days
Living Out Your Faith
from R.C Sproul / Ligonier Ministries, 14 days
Trusting God Day by Day
from Joyce Meyer, 14 days


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