New Bible Plans from Oswald Chambers

YouVersion is thrilled to announce the addition of several new devotional Bible Plans based on the collected lifetime works of Oswald Chambers. Best known for the daily devotionals in his book, My Utmost for His Highest, Chambers’ writings have helped millions lead a more passionate walk with God.

Now My Utmost for His Highest and RBC Ministries have graciously partnered with YouVersion to bring an expanded collection of Chambers’ devotionals to you in the Bible App. Enjoy the simple, thought-provoking perspective that has engaged his readers for more than 80 years.


utmost-uversion-30My Utmost for His Highest

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

Based on Oswald Chambers’ book of the same name, this plan features a selection of 30 timeless devotionals that include a prayer and corresponding Scripture.


Oswald Chambers: Hope – A Holy Promise

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

A daily inspirational quote from Chambers and a related Bible passage challenge you with straightforward biblical wisdom.


Oswald Chambers: Prayer – A Holy Occupation

utmost-uversion-prayerDiscovery House Publishers, 30 days

Chambers’ insights about prayer inspire you to spend more time communicating with God, with each selection followed by questions for personal reflection.


Oswald Chambers: Peace – Life In The Spirit

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

Each day, you’ll find a biblical principle about God’s peace followed by practical ideas to incorporate this divine peace into your everyday life.


Oswald Chambers: Joy – Strength In The Lord

utmost-uversion-joyDiscovery House Publishers, 30 Days

Chambers explores the true, lasting joy that comes from discovering—and living out—God’s purpose in our lives. Follow-up questions help you find practical application for this biblical wisdom.


More from RBC Ministries…

In addition to these Oswald Chambers Plans, the Bible App already offers several Bible Plans from RBC Ministries’ popular Our Daily Bread devotionals.  Search for “Our Daily Bread” inside the Plans section of the Bible App.

Brennan Manning and Bill Hybels inspire hope, bring clarity with new Bible Plans

Find the fuel you need in God’s Word.

Bible Plans are a great way you can connect with God’s Word every day. But don’t take our word for it. Try one of this month’s recommended plans and find out for yourself!

Case for Christ

Lee Strobel, 7 Days
Atheist and Chicago Tribune reporter Lee Strobel’s search for truth led him to a life transformed by Christ. In this 7-day plan, Strobel leads youthrough some of his investigation into Scripture that ultimately convinced him Jesus was exactly who he claimed.

Ragamuffin Reflections

Brennan Manning, 10 Days
This collection of honest, heartfelt devotions, selected from the works of bestselling author Brennan Manning, demonstrate through the truth of Scripture that not only does God love you—but he actually delights in you.


Bill Hybels, 10 Days
Pastor and author Bill Hybels identifies common issues that fill our lives with busyness and stress, then counters them with Biblical truth and practical advice that can help you find more energy, clearer purpose, and richer relationships.

7 Days to a Hope-Inspired Life

Nick Vujicic and Life Without Limbs, 7 Days
Born without arms or legs, motivational speaker and evangelist Nick Vujicic shares the unique perspective he’s discovered through a life of adapting and overcoming, along with key insights, inspiration, and hope from God’s Word.

Select Plans Designed for Youth, Kids, and Family

Looking for a plan to inspire your teen with Godly wisdom? Trying to teach your younger kids how they can put their faith in action? Or maybe as a parent you’re looking for these things for yourself! Each of these Bible Plans were developed specifically to help youth, kids, and family engage with the Scriptures:

New Bible Plans Refresh, Challenge, and Inspire You

Let God’s Word refresh, challenge, and inspire you!

Whether you’re starting a new season of life, heading back to school, or just seeking some fresh perspective, this month’s Featured Plans can help you make the Bible a daily habit:

Grace for the Moment

Max Lucado, 7 days
Grace For The Moment Morning and Evening Devotional will help you meditate on His Word and apply the promises of scripture to your life.

Catalyst: Devotions For Leaders

Catalyst, 7 days
We’re challenging leaders who love the Church to break the bounds of an ordinary existence and find the courage to embrace and radiate bold change.

Streams in the Desert

L.B. Cowman, 21 Days
Let your thirsty soul be restored and refreshed! This 21 day devotional offers encouragement, peace and strength during the hardships and trials of life.

Creation Festival – the Overflow Devo

Various, 5 Days
Chris Tomlin, Tedashii, the Newsboys, and more share devotionals based on songs heard at Creation Fest 2014.

Perspectives on Prayer

Through prayer, we enjoy the privilege of conversation with the Creator of the universe. The Bible goes further than defining prayer—it gives us words we can use as we seek God’s presence in our lives:

Tip: Subscribe to Verse of the Day

The Bible App can send you the Verse of the Day, every day, so you’ll never miss one! Available for the Bible App for iOS and coming soon to Android and, simply tap the gear icon on any Verse of the Day, then Subscribe. Choose the time you want it sent, whether you want email or push notification, and the Bible version you prefer. Of course you’ll want to read more than just the Verse of the Day, but subscribing helps remind you what’s important.

Happy Half Year! New Plans for a Fresh Start

January is months away, but we can create a fresh start right now. Today, the YouVersion community is making and sharing Half-Year Resolutions for spending time in the Bible. Wondering where to start? Check out this month’s Featured Plans!

No Other Name

Hillsong Worship, 7 Days
Bring a spirit of bold worship to your daily time in the Bible. Aligned with their new album, Hillsong Worship created this Plan exclusively for The Overflow Devo on YouVersion. A great choice if you’ve never tried a video Plan!

Gospel Dynamite

Tim Keller, 6 days
Re-invigorate your view of the Gospel with an explosion of joy and freedom. In this plan, Dr. Timothy Keller guides you through a portion of Galatians with a powerful perspective.

12 Leadership Ideas To Do With Your Kids

Dr. Tim Elmore, 12 days
Introduce leadership principles to your kids with creative ideas grounded in Scripture. This Plan offers simple, yet clever, teachable moments: go people watching at the mall, hide money where you’ve asked your kids to clean, or visit sick kids in the hospital. Perfect for parents of tweens-teens

When You’re Hoping For a Miracle

Rick Warren, 17 Days
When we come up empty, need a fresh start, and can’t find our way, hope is our lifeline. Pastor Rick Warren shares his unique perspective about hope and the miracles God stands ready to do in our lives.

What’s Your Half-Year Resolution?

Once you decide on your goal, you can inspire others to make a fresh start too! Use the hashtag #HalfYearResolution on Facebook and Twitter to share what you’re beginning today. Talking about your Half-Year Resolution is one more way the YouVersion community can bring the Bible into everyday conversation, right where it belongs.

Tip: Friends = Accountability

If you’ve been using Bible App 5 with friends, you’ve seen how easy it is to share your time in the Bible. When you make a note, create a bookmark, or just check off your reading each day, your friends can see what you’re up to and add their thoughts. Consider asking a friend to help you stay accountable for your daily reading, and let the app help you stay in touch as you do. (Make sure your Plan is visible to friends.)

Fresh Starts: Not Just for New Year’s

In a few days, 2014 will be half over. That means the second half of 2014 is just beginning! You don’t have to wait until January to begin or re-begin a daily practice of spending time in the Bible.

Kick off Your Half-Year Resolution on July 1

1. Pick a Bible Plan
Plans come in all shapes and sizes—more than 800 options from topical to devotional, and a few days to a few months in length. Search for one you’re really interested in and make sure it’s a goal you think you can achieve. How about a short Plan to get things rolling? Or, have you ever tried a video Plan? Find your Plan and start on July 1.

2. Put the App to Work for You
You’ll find lots of features to help you stick with your goal: Set a reminder in the app to help you stay on track. Listen to your daily selections with an audio Bible. And don’t be shy about using the “Catch Me Up” button if you fall behind!

3. Include Your Friends
People are more successful starting new habits with the support of friends. Make sure you’ve added your friends in Bible App 5 and start sharing what you’re bookmarking, highlighting, and noting each day. You can even do the same Plan together.

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4. Let’s do this together!
Use the hashtag #HalfYearResolution on Facebook and Twitter to share what you’re starting on July 1. It would be great to see the YouVersion community inspiring people all over the world toward a new beginning!