Happy Half Year! New Plans for a Fresh Start

January is months away, but we can create a fresh start right now. Today, the YouVersion community is making and sharing Half-Year Resolutions for spending time in the Bible. Wondering where to start? Check out this month’s Featured Plans!

No Other Name

Hillsong Worship, 7 Days
Bring a spirit of bold worship to your daily time in the Bible. Aligned with their new album, Hillsong Worship created this Plan exclusively for The Overflow Devo on YouVersion. A great choice if you’ve never tried a video Plan!

Gospel Dynamite

Tim Keller, 6 days
Re-invigorate your view of the Gospel with an explosion of joy and freedom. In this plan, Dr. Timothy Keller guides you through a portion of Galatians with a powerful perspective.

12 Leadership Ideas To Do With Your Kids

Dr. Tim Elmore, 12 days
Introduce leadership principles to your kids with creative ideas grounded in Scripture. This Plan offers simple, yet clever, teachable moments: go people watching at the mall, hide money where you’ve asked your kids to clean, or visit sick kids in the hospital. Perfect for parents of tweens-teens

When You’re Hoping For a Miracle

Rick Warren, 17 Days
When we come up empty, need a fresh start, and can’t find our way, hope is our lifeline. Pastor Rick Warren shares his unique perspective about hope and the miracles God stands ready to do in our lives.

What’s Your Half-Year Resolution?

Once you decide on your goal, you can inspire others to make a fresh start too! Use the hashtag #HalfYearResolution on Facebook and Twitter to share what you’re beginning today. Talking about your Half-Year Resolution is one more way the YouVersion community can bring the Bible into everyday conversation, right where it belongs.

Tip: Friends = Accountability

If you’ve been using Bible App 5 with friends, you’ve seen how easy it is to share your time in the Bible. When you make a note, create a bookmark, or just check off your reading each day, your friends can see what you’re up to and add their thoughts. Consider asking a friend to help you stay accountable for your daily reading, and let the app help you stay in touch as you do. (Make sure your Plan is visible to friends.)

Fresh Starts: Not Just for New Year’s

In a few days, 2014 will be half over. That means the second half of 2014 is just beginning! You don’t have to wait until January to begin or re-begin a daily practice of spending time in the Bible.

Kick off Your Half-Year Resolution on July 1

1. Pick a Bible Plan
Plans come in all shapes and sizes—more than 800 options from topical to devotional, and a few days to a few months in length. Search for one you’re really interested in and make sure it’s a goal you think you can achieve. How about a short Plan to get things rolling? Or, have you ever tried a video Plan? Find your Plan and start on July 1.

2. Put the App to Work for You
You’ll find lots of features to help you stick with your goal: Set a reminder in the app to help you stay on track. Listen to your daily selections with an audio Bible. And don’t be shy about using the “Catch Me Up” button if you fall behind!

3. Include Your Friends
People are more successful starting new habits with the support of friends. Make sure you’ve added your friends in Bible App 5 and start sharing what you’re bookmarking, highlighting, and noting each day. You can even do the same Plan together.

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4. Let’s do this together!
Use the hashtag #HalfYearResolution on Facebook and Twitter to share what you’re starting on July 1. It would be great to see the YouVersion community inspiring people all over the world toward a new beginning!


Bible Plans with Your Friends

Plans with Friends

We know the value of experiencing the Bible within community. In the newest version of the Bible App, we want you to experience the power of friendship in the Bible. Now on iOS, Android, and at Bible.com, you can see what Bible Plans your friends are working on. Offer encouragement, celebrate their successes, and even join the same Plan.

Like and comment on friends activity

Now you can see when your friends start or complete a Bible Plan, as well as their daily progress. Cheer them along by adding a Like or Comment.

Discover new Bible Plans

With over 800 Bible Plans to choose from, seeing your friends’ activity can help spark interest, introduce you to a new devotional, or help you learn from a trusted pastors and authors. And your Plans might interest your friends in return.

Set the status to “Friends”

When you’re working through a Bible Plan, set the status to “Friends” so your friends see your activity. Not ready to share your Plan? You can set your Plan to “Private” at any point.

If you haven’t already, upgrade to Bible App 5 to add friends and enjoy Bible Plans together.

New Bible Plans from All Sons & Daughters, Beating Burnout, Family, & More

Reading (and listening or watching) the Bible every day, even if it’s only a little bit each time, impacts how you see life. When you subscribe to a Bible Plan, you’re a part of a worldwide community seeking God daily. Find these Plans and more by viewing the Featured category under Plans.

All Sons & Daughters – Devotional

All Sons & Daughter, 7 Days
All Sons & Daughters, the worship duo from Journey Church in Tennessee, focus on Jesus while embracing the tension of the Christian walk. In this seven-day devotional, learn to rely on Him and His truths as you walk a Christian life.

Journey to Change

NewSpring Church, 21 Days
From the minute we accept Jesus into our heart, our life is forever changed. In this Plan, NewSpring Church shares stories from 21 people who met Jesus and will never be the same. Learn how life changing a relationship with Christ can be!

31 Days of Building Your Family’s Values

Family ID, 31 Days
The first step to determining the legacy you want to leave behind is establishing strong values that are important to pass on. Strong family values prepare you for the future and help make daily decisions. As a family, explore 31 values that you can pray through together.

Beating Burnout: Finding Hope and Health

Anne Marie Miller, 3 Days
Feeling tired? Burned out? It’s easy to take on more than you can handle and become burned out. Join Anne Marie Miller in this daily guide and learn how to avoid burnout. Focus your energy on rest, holistic health, and the power of prayer.

YouVersion Community Favorites

Looking for more Bible Plans? Bible readers around the world recommend these noteworthy favorites. This month, we’re highlighting Plans about Pentecost and the early church, as well as family and parenting.


Bible Plans with Friends

By changing your Plan settings to “Friends,” your friends can see your daily progress and add comments of encouragement. They might even be inspired by your choice or progress and start the Plan themselves. If you haven’t already, update to Bible App 5 and add friends to start sharing the Bible together. Update to Bible App 5 now.

Tip: Use a Plan for Group Study

Does your group want to study the Bible together? Plans to the rescue! Choose a Plan, start on the same day, and see how you can bring additional insights to each other. Read each day’s content, bookmark Scripture that speaks to you, and share notes.

New Bible Plans from Rick Warren, Charles Spurgeon, and more!

Bible Plans are the YouVersion community’s favorite way to make the Bible a daily habit. There are over 800 Plans in the Bible App, and this month we have six brand new Plans, plus some of our old favorites. Find these and more in the Featured section in the Bible App.


YouVersion Community Favorites

Looking for more Bible Plans? We’ve collected a list of noteworthy favorites that Bible readers around the world recommend.


Finding Friends

In the newest version of the Bible App, you can connect with your closest friends. Share Scripture and encourage each other towards exploring God’s Word in a whole new way. If you haven’t already, update to Bible App 5 and start finding friends. Update to Bible App 5 now.

Tip: Set Up Notifications

You can create customized reminders in the Bible App for iOS and Android. Set up notifications for Plans you’re subscribed to for first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed. This way, you never miss a day.