Zombies! Robots! Code! The Bible!

Now that we have the attention of the right people everywhere…

The Bible App™ is getting downloaded onto nearly 1 million mobile devices every month. That means two things:

  1. We’re getting close to helping people read the Bible on 12 million mobile devices!
  2. We could sure use some help

We’re looking for three amazing people to add to the YouVersion team:

Web Developer

YouVersion is looking for a PHP web developer that loves Jesus, the Bible, and MVC. View details.

Symbian Engineer

Phenomenal Symbian engineer with deep experience, ingenuity, and patience. This is Symbian, after all. (Must love puzzles.) View details.

User Support Coordinator

YouVersion is looking for an empathetic, technologically savvy leader to head-up our global support team. This team will be taking care of millions of Bible App users as they engage Scripture in new and exciting ways. View details.

Share the love. Whether you’re looking for yourself, or you know someone who you think would be great, keep checking our Jobs page. 2011 is going to be a huge year for YouVersion, and we’ll be adding more team members as we break new ground. Please tell your friends! Let people know we’re hiring! Thanks!

Join us for Global Share the Bible Day

Hopefully by now, you know that we love the Bible at YouVersion. We want to make the Bible as visible as possible this Christmas to remind the world of its true meaning: the gift of God’s only Son. We’re declaring all day Saturday, December 25, “Global Share the Bible Day.” We’d love for you to join us!

Spread the word. Please start letting your friends and acquaintances know now what we’ll be up to together. Invite as many people to join us December 25 as you can. Use word of mouth and online conversation. But first, let’s sweeten the deal: As a little “extra” incentive to get the word out, we’re excited to be able to offer a few lucky winners who post it online their choice between an iPad, an iPhone 4, or a Nexus S! (Check here for details.)

Set some reminders. All day on December 25, take every opportunity to share anything you love about the Bible. Tweet. Update your Facebook status. Change your blog or website home page. Visit with someone you meet. Just share! Here are a few ideas for things you could share:

  • Your faith. What has God done in your life?
  • Your favorite verse. Why? What does it mean to you?
  • The Christmas story. What’s your favorite part?
  • The Bible App. Tell people how they can get the Bible for free. (Hint: Send them to youversion.com/download.)

But these are only suggestions. Don’t stop there. Wherever you are on December 25, whatever you’re doing, share what’s special to you about the Bible. If you share online (especially Twitter), please include the hash tag #Bible. The Bible App makes it really easy to share. But remember: This isn’t about the Bible App. It’s all about the Bible.

On December 25, let’s draw as much attention as we can to the Bible—the story of God’s love for us.

Vote for YouVersion in Mashable Awards

YouVersion, and the Bible, has a great opportunity to gain some mainstream visibility through the 2010 Mashable Awards. Thanks to all of your votes already we’ve made it to the top five finalists in the Best Mobile User Experience category. Now, with only 14 hours left to vote, we want to finish strong with a solid showing of YouVersion’s massive fan base.

So, if you have about 30 seconds today, go to the Mashable Awards page and vote for YouVersion in the category of Best Mobile User Experience. Just choose “Best Mobile User Experience” from the left dropdown menu and “@YouVersion” from the right dropdown menu. It should look like this:

And to all of you that have already voted multiple times over the past several weeks, thank you! We hope that the increased visibility will result in more people finding God’s Word on their phone.

The Bible App Made iTunes’ 2010 Top Ten!

Every year, Apple announces the top 10 apps for the year in each category in the iTunes Store. This year, we’re thrilled to announce that the Bible App from YouVersion made the top 10 in the free Reference category! On both iPhone and iPad!

Apple’s lists don’t indicate rank. The above iPhone apps view shows the winners sorted by name. We’d also like to draw your attention to the Paul Avery Holy Bible app and Logos for iPad. Paul Avery’s Holy Bible made both lists, and Logos made the iPad list—and both are free Bible apps! How awesome is it that God’s Word claimed three of the top spots for free Reference apps in 2010?! (To discover more free Bible resources, check out this page we added to our website to highlight them.)

To see more of the lists, simply go to the iTunes Store and click the iTunes Rewind banner:

Look under the Apps section, and click on the “Check Out the Hot Trends in 2010 Apps” link for either iPhone or iPad, whichever one you’re interested in. Click the “Top Free” link, and then scroll to the Reference section and click “See All.”

The Bible App – now on Chrome!

Google’s Chrome Web Store is an online marketplace with tools and applications designed specifically for use with the Google Chrome OS and browser. If you have a Google Chrome device, come check out YouVersion’s page for the Bible App in the store!

At YouVersion, our driving vision has always been to make the Bible easily accessible—for free—to anyone, any time, anywhere. The Bible App is already the number one application for engaging with the Bible on iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, and webOS, with more than 11 million downloads so far. Now, when you download the free Bible App to your Chrome device, you’ll get all of its best-of-breed functionality—including more than 40 translations, in more than 20 languages, a growing list of reading plans, and connectivity to your social networks.