What is Lent? 4 Different Ways to Practice

Mountain in focus

Pause for a moment and look outside. What do you see? What makes you smile?

Whatever you just described, think about this: what you saw was always there — it was just waiting for you to pause and notice it.

That’s the basic purpose of Lent: to create space in the middle of life’s responsibilities to appreciate what’s always been there: God’s presence.


…You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:41-42

…What IS Lent?

Lent is a 40-day period of stillness, focus, and repentance leading up to Resurrection Sunday. Based on Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, Lent is an important tool that can help you stay attuned to God’s voice as you reflect on His sacrificial love.

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.
Psalm 46:10

Mountain valley

While Lent does include personal sacrifice, the goal of this time isn’t to “better” your life, but to center your life on what matters most: the One who made you and died for you.

Mountain path

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Lent begins today. However you choose to practice it, we hope you’ll spend the next 40 days creating space in your soul to reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial suffering and the power of His resurrection.

Together, let’s make space for what matters.

Here are 4 great ways to practice Lent:

(And, they include your Bible App!)

1. Memorize the Verse of the Day

Our outlook on life changes when we get God’s Word inside of us. If you’ve always wanted to memorize Scripture but were never sure where to start, commit to memorizing the Verse of the Day for 40 days!

If you start today, you’ll know 40 passages by Resurrection Sunday, and you’ll be well on your way to establishing a lifelong habit.

View Verse of the Day

2. Create a Prayer List

Prayer is simply an honest conversation between you and God. And, it’s a great discipline to begin during Lent. Becoming a person who prays confidently may take some practice, but you can get started by committing at least 10 minutes a day to prayer.

Learn More About Prayer

3. Start a Lent Devotional

One of the best ways to draw closer to God is by spending time in His Word. If you’re not sure where to start, pick a Lent Plan in your Bible App and complete one Plan day, every day, for all 40 days of Lent.

To get the most from your Plan, set up daily reminders in Plan settings. Then, invite a few trusted friends to join you and reflect together on what God is doing in your lives.

Find a Plan on Lent

4. Practice Generosity

God modeled what generosity looks like when He sacrificed His greatest treasure for us. During the next 40 days, draw near to God through irrational generosity.

There are lots of meaningful ways you can give financially to what God is doing throughout the world. Take a moment and ask God to show you how you can bless those around you.

(If YouVersion has made a difference in your walk with God and you want to give back, you can do that on our YouVersion Giving page.)

Learn More About Generosity

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How to Start Reading the Bible: 3 Simple Steps.

Person reading on phone

1. Receive.

Prepare your heart to hear from God. Try a simple prayer like this…

Heavenly Father, please help me understand this Bible verse.

…and then read the Verse of the Day. We’ll use today’s verse as our example:

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

JOHN 15:2

2. Reflect.

Ask yourself what this verse might be trying to say, and think deeply on your answers. Here are just a few examples we might get from today’s verse:

Jesus expects me to share my faith with other people.

When I demonstrate God’s love, that draws others to Him.

I should work to remove things from my life that don’t show God’s love.

It is often through challenges that God grows my capacity to love others.

3. Respond.

Use this verse as the basis for a prayer, maybe something like this:

Lord, please give me the courage and opportunity to share your love with other people. Please show me which areas of my life aren’t bearing fruit.

Want to go deeper?

Here’s a Bible Plan that will help you learn more about what it means to live a fruitful life:

Start Plan

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. - John 15:2 - Verse Image

Share Verse of the Day

Do people know the real you?

It is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. - ROMANS 10:10 - Verse Image

What do you want people to know about you?

It can be so tempting to curate our online presence to impress others: nice meals we’re enjoying, exotic places we’re visiting, popular people we’re spending time with. Those things are fine to share. But Jesus didn’t say He would use our accomplishments to draw people to Himself. He said that it would be our love (John 13:35).

This year, start making it a habit to regularly share His transforming love.

Start Small…

Texting a Bible verse or a Verse Image to a friend is easy. Need a daily reminder? Subscribe to Verse of the Day. You can even share content from devotionals: every Bible Plan has a Share button in the corner ( Share icon ).

…Then Build Your Habit.

Once you’ve shared a few times, set a goal to share at least one Bible verse or Bible Plan every day for a week. It won’t be long before your friends start telling you how much they appreciate your encouragement!

Share Verse Image

What does God want for your family?


What’s God’s vision for your family?

Work, chores at home, social commitments… with so many demands on our time, sometimes it’s overwhelming thinking about how to lead our families spiritually. Here are some small ways you can start pursuing God together, in the natural rhythms of your family’s everyday life.

Dad kissing son

Start with you.

Single parenting, blended families, special needs children, praying for your kids: wherever you are, find wisdom and encouragement in this Plan collection on the Bible App.

Bible App for Kids Jesus

Little kids? Experience the big stories of the Bible, together.

Snuggle with your child and ask them to show you a Bible App for Kids story. (Ask them to show you how the app works, too.) Listen to what’s on your child’s mind.


Older kids? Get on their level.

Start a Bible Plan on a topic you’d like to talk about with your kids. Pick “With Friends,” and invite them to join you in the Bible App. Discuss each day right in the app, group text style, or even irl (in real life).


Something for everyone.

Find a Plan in the Bible App your whole family can do together. Set a regular time each day when one person can read from the devotional (like dinnertime), then talk about it together.

Bible Lens

See God in your life, together.

Take a picture with Bible Lens, or point it at a family photo you already have. Watch together as it finds verses that match your picture.

Whatever you choose, just remember…

You’re already leading your family spiritually. Each day, your children are learning what you value from the ways you spend your time. We can be intentional about the direction we lead our families… and engage them in the process.

See More Options

Take 2020 to the next level:

Life is better together

When you have questions about your faith, who do you talk to about them? Where do you go for answers?

You can make studying Scripture a daily habit that includes your community by starting a Plan with friends.

Getting Started

All the Plans listed here were created for you to complete with other people.

Better Together: Seeking God With Others

Just start a Plan, tap With Friends, and invite a friend (or two, or ten) to join you.

Creating Spiritual Community At Work

You’ll uncover truths in God’s Word that you might not have noticed on your own…

Praying In Community

…and get the tools you need to encourage others.

Collective: Finding Life Together

Watch how God can transform your life, and your community, by committing to going through Scripture together!

Start a Plan with Friends