YouVersion Plans Offer Lessons in Love

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
1 John 4:16, New Living Translation

Whether you’re preparing for marriage or already married, this Valentine’s Day, learn about love — from the words of the One who is love. YouVersion offers several Reading Plans devoted to love and marriage:

Love and Marriage – Relationship insight from God’s Word helps you strengthen your lifelong bond. Each day features a short Bible passage and thoughts for you to discuss and pray about together. From 5 days

One: A Marriage Devotional – Develop a thriving relationship with your spouse through this marriage-building devotional from Jimmy Evans. Read once a week for a year, or daily for a more intensive experience. From Marriage Today. 52 days

Happily Ever After – While marriage has its challenges, listening to what God has to say about this sacred institution helps you commit your ways to be more like His. From Time of Grace. 31 days

From This Day Forward – Focusing on 5 key areas, this plan helps you build a marriage that will stand the test of time. Each day, you and your spouse will together read selected Bible passages, discuss selected topics, pray together, or engage in activities together. From 33 days

Love, Romance, & Marriage: Bible Audio Guide – Each day, a short audio clip shares biblical principles about love and romance, along with practical application to help you see God’s plan for your marriage. From Through the Word. 6 days

Marriage: A Lifelong Journey – Strengthen your commitment to the lifelong journey you have embarked on. Each day, read a short devotional and Bible verse to enrich your most important relationship. From Jim Daly. 7 Days

Learning together what God’s Word says about marriage relationships is one of the best ways you can strengthen your commitment to each other and to your faith. If you’re married or engaged, consider going through at least one of these plans together, and not just in this season, but throughout the year.

NIV Available for Download from YouVersion until January 21

Green Download Button from the Bible App™For a limited time, you can now download the New International Version (NIV) for offline use in the Bible App.

What does offline mean?  When you download a version, you can read it literally anytime, anyplace, even when you can’t connect to your service provider or to the Internet. On a plane, in church, or even when you just can’t get a good signal – offline versions help you stay connected and reading the Bible wherever you go.

If you missed your chance last time, have a new mobile device, or if you know someone who would be excited about this offer, spread the word and make sure you take advantage of this opportunity. Special thanks go to Biblica and Zondervan for making the NIV available to the YouVersion community!

This limited time offer will end at 11:59PM on Monday, January 21 Central Time U.S. (GMT -6)

Note: When you look at the available versions on your device, remember to hit the “Refresh” button, to ensure that the list you’re seeing is the most current.

Downloading offline versions:

Many versions in the Bible App™ are available to download to your mobile device, generously provided by Bible publishers free to the YouVersion community. (And several of these are available all the time—not just during promotions.)

Below are links to detailed instructions on how you can download the NIV, or any version that is available for offline download. Be sure you don’t miss this opportunity!

The Top 10 Most Bookmarked Verses in the Worldwide YouVersion Community

It’s easier than ever to engage with God’s Word with the Bible App™ and Millions of people enjoy keeping track of their favorite verses with millions of Bookmarks. Save any verse so you can jump right back to it later, whether it’s for sharing with friends, to memorize, or just to read it again and again. Check out these top 10 Bookmarks from across the YouVersion community and see if your favorite made the list!*

  1. Philippians 4:6
  2. Proverbs 3:5
  3. Jeremiah 29:11
  4. Romans 12:2
  5. Philippians 4:13
  6. Philippians 4:7
  7. Proverbs 3:6
  8. Romans 8:28
  9. Matthew 6:33
  10. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Saving a bookmark is easy!

Here’s how you can learn to do it:

  • Visit our Help site.
  • Bottom: Select your language.
  • Left: Select your device type.
  • Look under “Notes, Bookmarks & Highlights.”

*When you save a bookmark, YouVersion saves it with the Bible version you’re using, but this top 10 list doesn’t reflect which versions were the most bookmarked. Through partnerships with our generous Bible publishing partners, YouVersion offers hundreds of versions in dozens of languages. We encourage everyone to explore several different versions to find the ones that help you best connect with the Bible. Just tap the current version to display a list of all your choices!

On the Go: YouVersion’s Top 3 Travel Tips

Many of us schedule trips for fun and relaxation during this time of year. When you’re traveling, it’s easy to fall out of your regular routine of spending time daily in God’s Word. But with just a little forethought and planning, the Bible App™ can always be right there for you, helping you stay connected. Here are three tips we’ve put together to help you when you’re traveling:

  1. Download offline versions. Thanks to YouVersion’s generous Bible publishing partners, offline versions let you read your favorite translation, even when you can’t get a mobile signal or Internet access. On planes or on subways—or far away from anywhere—an offline version saved on your device keeps the Bible at your fingertips. But remember: You need to download them before you need them, preferably when you have good WiFi access. Just list the versions on your device, and tap the download icon next to each version you want to save to your device.
  1. Listen to audio Bibles. Audio Bibles are a great solution for loud or crowded places where you need a few moments for yourself, or even if you prefer listening to reading. Whether you’re waiting for a flight, out for a hike, or even riding in the car, audio Bibles can help you refocus on the things God’s trying to say to you. In the Bible App reader, just look for the audio icon and controls. (If you don’t see audio controls, try switching to another Bible version.) And remember to pack your headphones!
  1. Try a short plan. A trip is a great opportunity to mix things up a little. YouVersion offers reading plans that last as little as two days. Look for one that you can start and finish during your travels. How many days will you be gone—three, four, five, seven? Check online or in the Bible App to find one you like. Or consider one of these short plans:
      • Experiencing God’s Renewal includes a daily short passage and devotional about how God is constantly renewing our hearts, minds, and purpose. 5 days
      • The Gospel of Mark takes you through the entire book of Mark, reading a little each day. 8 days
      • Courage brings you daily reminders from the Bible about boldness, confidence, and God’s promises for your life. 7 days

Whether you’re covering great distances or just taking a quick staycation at home, keep connected to God’s Word when you take time away. If you have suggestions of your own, please share them with us in the comments below, and on Facebook and Twitter.

How to Make the Most of Your YouVersion Reading Plan

The Bible App™ on iPadWhen you start a YouVersion Reading Plan, you have the best intentions. You’re going to read every day and never miss, once and for all establishing that daily Bible reading habit that you’ve been promising yourself. And then your life happens—you get busy, you get tired, you get interrupted. Hearing what God has to say to us each day is important. So we’ve put together a few tips to help you find consistent success when you read God’s Word.

Find your version. YouVersion offers more than 200 Bible versions. If you have a favorite Bible verse, select “Bible” from the Bible App™ dashboard and look it up. Try reading it in several different versions, and see if one feels more natural to you than others. (To change versions, tap the “short code” next to the chapter name, then select another.) If you don’t have a favorite verse, try reading a well-known one like John 3:16 in different versions. You might even do a little research online to find a version that fits your reading style.

Pick your size. Set realistic goals. If you’ve never tried a Reading Plan before, a one-year reading plan probably isn’t the best place for you to start. We offer plans that can take you through a book of the Bible in as little as 2 days. Take some time to browse. You’ll find plans for 5 days, 7 days, 14 days, 90 days—and more. And if you’re using the Bible App for iOS (iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch), you can even go to Browse Plans, Advanced, and list plans by length.

Pick your power time of the day. Are you a morning person or a night person? Maybe you take a break in the middle of the day or in the early afternoon to think. Whatever your time, plan to check your Reading Plan then—during the time when you know you’ll probably get the most out of it. Most newer versions of the Bible App even let you set reminders. Try setting yours for your best time.

Find your spot. Do you have a favorite place to think? Maybe you have a quiet spot where you’re less likely to be interrupted. It could be inside or outside. Do you prefer to sit, stand, even walk around? Many people have told us they love listening to audio Bibles while they’re exercising, working, or during their commute. Find your best place to concentrate, and plan to spend your time in God’s Word there.

Talk to God. Right before you read, take just a moment to pray. It doesn’t have to be anything formal or elaborate. Ask God to give you ears to hear what He wants to say to you. Ask Him give you direction and insight through His Word. Ask Him to help you understand. James 1:5 says God generously gives us wisdom—if we’ll just ask. Get your heart and mind into a posture of listening for His still, small voice.

Read, or listen. If you’ve done everything else, this part should be easy. Adjust your Bible reader’s background color, font, and size until you find just the right comfortable mix. Or, if reading is difficult for you, don’t forget: we offer audio Bibles in several versions and languages. Try putting in headphones and just listening. You can even listen while you walk, run, or ride.

Reflect on what you just read. For most people, when they read God’s Word, specific things will jump out at them. Take notes. (Keeping track of your thoughts is easy with the Bible App’s Notes and Bookmarks.) Again, keep it simple for now. Replay those things over and over in your mind. (In the Bible, David calls this “meditating on the law of the Lord.”) In Jeremiah 29:13, God promises His people that they’ll find Him when they seek Him with all their hearts.

The Bible is more than just a book, more than the sum of its parts. In fact, the apostle Paul, who was mentoring Timothy, once wrote to him in a letter: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17)

Make the effort to delight yourself in His Word, and to think about what it says. When you spend purposeful, meaningful time reading what God has to say to you, you’ll discover insights that will transform your relationship with Him and shape your perspective on your daily life.

To learn more about the “how to” of Reading Plans:

  1. Visit our Support website.
  2. Bottom: Select your preferred language.
  3. Left: Choose your device type.
  4. Look under “Plans.”