A few months ago, we launched Verse of the Day Stories, designed to help you turn your heart and mind toward God and His kingdom. Maybe you’ve tried before to study God’s Word, but you didn’t know where to start…
Today, get a special look at a Verse of the Day Story, and use it to create a daily rhythm in God’s Word.
What does it mean to look to the Lord in every situation?
Today, let’s find out. But first, take a minute to pause and prepare your heart and mind.
Here are 3 ways to seek God’s presence today:
- Spend quality time with Him in nature.
- Spend intentional time in prayer.
- Spend some time reflecting on a verse.
Worship is Praying
God realizes that he has you at a bit of a disadvantage. He can see you, but you can’t see him. He can hear you plainly and directly, but you can hear him only indirectly. He’s aware of the stress that places on you, and he makes allowances for it.
You honor him when you pray. Christian prayers acknowledge God as omnipresent, caring, omniscient, and all-powerful. Prayer accepts…
Start Plan
God, I know that You are able to handle my every need, so please give me the courage to bring all my struggles before You. Stir in my heart a desire to seek You first above all else, because You are the One who cares for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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