It’s time for the YouVersion community to get together! Let’s meet for a live webcast on May 26, 11:00am CDT. You’ll be able to hear the latest news about the Bible App™, get an inside look at what’s coming up, ask your questions, and see if you win an iPad2.
In the meantime, there’s one number we just can’t wait to celebrate with you:
Together we’ve installed the Bible App on more than 20 million unique devices.
But what does it mean? Without context, even huge numbers like this one are just…well, numbers. What’s genuinely thrilling about this milestone is that it shows more and more people – literally all over the world – are making God’s Word an important part of their everyday lives.
As just one example, a woman named Carmen wrote us recently to share her story. Carmen has been a believer for 36 years, but she’d never been able to read her Bible consistently. She wrote, “Then I got an Android phone… My life has changed forever. I read (the Bible) every day, sometimes several times a day because it’s with me everywhere I go.” For the first time in her life, Carmen has even been reading all the way through the Bible – using a reading plan. And Carmen’s husband is reading every day on his phone, too. She writes, “It has really impacted our lives in such an amazing way!”
Reading the Bible anytime, anyplace is just one way the YouVersion community is using the Bible App to engage with God’s Word. Carmen’s is one of thousands of stories that shows how, together, we’re thinking about what we’ve read, working out how to apply Scripture in our lives, and sharing with others our journey toward a deeper relationship with God.
And those are things worth celebrating!