This is personal.
Remember when you first realized that God actually loved you? That he wanted a relationship with you? Moments like those are why we’re so passionate about helping people connect with God.
I grew up in church, but I didn’t really know or love God. When my grandfather died, I felt deep sorrow and depression… and even thought about committing suicide. My friend sent me a link to Joshua 1:9. I decided to download the app because of that verse. I tried a devotion, which helped me understand God and led me closer to Him. One day I was reading in Psalms, and I felt Jesus calling me: this overwhelming, reckless love pursuing me. I prayed with my pastor, and a huge weight lifted. Jesus changed my life. Now I love the Lord and serve him daily. Thank You, Jesus!
When you give to YouVersion, you’re making an investment that has an eternal return: transformed lives.

This is historic.
Reading or listening to God’s Word has the power to change lives. We’re leveraging technology to help this generation become the most Bible-engaged in history. When you give to YouVersion, you help us get Scripture to more people than ever, in places like India, Poland, Guatemala, and Nigeria. People like Hazel:
I had been bullied for years, and I was dealing with a heartbreak. I didn’t want to be left alone with my thoughts. One day I opened YouVersion and read the Verse of the Day. It was the perfect word of encouragement, so it became a habit. Every day I would start with Verse of the Day, then read the chapter the verse came from, then find myself in the middle of a story. I watched David remove Saul’s armor and pick up his own slingshot. I walked through the palace with Esther. I wept with Hannah. I could see myself in their imperfections and flaws. God used YouVersion to make His word come alive to me. YouVersion has changed my life, from the Verse of the Day to Plans.
What would happen if every person on earth could instantly engage with God’s Word in their own language? Let’s find out, together.

This is what matters.
All over the world, more and more people are turning to God’s Word to hear what He wants to say to them. When you give to YouVersion, you’re helping us connect them with Him. Every one of those people has a name, has a story. Like Nathan. Like Hazel. Like Jenny:
Things were not good in my marriage. I was on a downward spiral, at the beginning of an emotional affair. I gathered the courage to send him ‘the’ text: the one that would change our relationship from friends to lines-being-crossed. I was terrified, typing what I knew could end my marriage. But the Holy Spirit was fighting for me. The word TEMPTATION flashed before my eyes. I didn’t know what to do, so I pulled up YouVersion and typed ‘temptation’ in the search field. As I read every verse the app showed me, the tears fell. I called on Jesus’ name, and the devil fled. I erased that text and ended the conversation. If I had not had the Bible App that day, I don’t know what would have happened. Thank you for always having His word so close!
In 2008, we launched YouVersion with just 15 Bibles, in two languages. Now, thanks to the generosity of visionary partners — and the financial support of people just like you — we’re privileged to offer more than 2,000 versions, with content in over 1,300 languages.
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