🙌 Jesus is ALIVE!

Mark 16:6 Verse Image

Celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with us!

2,000 years ago Jesus walked the earth, so He knew what it was like to be us. He also knew what it would cost Him to save us… and yet He chose to do it anyway. Today, we celebrate His power over death. Because He lives, so can we!

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Discover the hope of Easter

Living Hope - A Countdown to Easter

No matter what you’re facing today, Jesus’ resurrection means evil doesn’t win — even when you find yourself surrounded by darkness.

Over the next 3 days, discover how to hold onto hope by immersing yourself in the Easter story with this YouVersion Originals Plan.

Day 1: “Why have You forsaken me?” Imagine you’re watching Jesus hang from the cross. The only way He can breathe is by pushing Himself up using the nails in His wrists and ankles. As the day draws to an end, He musters what little strength He has left to pull Himself up again so that He can cry out: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” If we’re being honest with ourselves, we’ve all probably had moments where we’ve asked God, “Where are You in this? Why have You forsaken me?” How should we respond when we find ourselves in situations where we feel alone, anxious, or forsaken?

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Introducing Verse of the Day Stories

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Verse of the Day


Enjoy a moment with God, every day.

Verse of the Day Stories is currently rolling out gradually.
Keep your Bible App updated to see Stories when it arrives.

Check for Update

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We recently launched YouVersion Prayer, designed to help us have honest conversations with God, in a time when we are all searching for answers. When you hear people talk about hearing from God, what do they mean? Maybe you’ve tried before to read from the Bible, but you found it hard to understand. Or maybe you just don’t know where to start…

Verse of the Day Stories

help you turn your heart and mind
toward God and His kingdom.

Take a moment to prepare your mind and heart to hear from God’s Word.

Quiet your

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Take some deep breaths. Pray and ask God to speak to you.

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. - Ephesians 4:1

Receive from
God’s Word.

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Read and reflect on Verse of the Day.

Video of Pastor Craig Groeschel

Get context
and insight.

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Watch a short video from leaders like Craig Groeschel, N.T. Wright, Dr. Tony Evans, Joyce Meyer, Levi Lusko, Kirk Franklin, and more.

What can you learn from this verse?

Think about
what you’re
thinking about.

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Meditate on today’s passage with a reflection question.

Plan suggestion

Own your own
spiritual growth.

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Read a short devotional that expands on themes from today’s verse.

Lord, thank You for calling me to follow You! Help me to live my life in such a way that it brings honor to You and is a blessing to others.

Whose you are.

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Pray again, and ask God to help you live out what He’s showing you.

Enjoy a moment with God, every day.

Verse of the Day


Verse of the Day Stories is currently rolling out gradually.
Keep your Bible App updated to see Stories when it arrives.

Check for Update

Verse of the Day Stories icon

You’re not alone. Let’s pray together.

God, please remind me constantly that You are with me.

Prayer is powerful. And because of social media, we can pray together even when we are physically far apart.

A few weeks ago, we shared a series of Prayers. Now, you can pray with us continuously by following YouVersion Prayer on Instagram and Facebook!

Each day, we’ll post several short prayers that you can save or share with friends and family. Together, let’s continue to seek God’s heart for our hurting world.

YouVersion Prayer

Daily Prayers & inspiration





How to Talk to Your Kids About Easter

Happy Sunday - Bible App for Kids coloring page

Sacrifice. Crucifixion. Redemption. Resurrection. Renewal. These can be difficult concepts to understand, even for us as adults. How do we introduce our children to these foundational aspects of our faith? The Bible App for Kids can help.

Father and son playing on tablet

The Bible App for Kids stories “A Goodbye Meal,” “It is Finished,” and “A Happy Sunday” help your kids experience the story of Easter in age-appropriate ways. Interactive animations engage them in the stories, and fun learning activities help them understand what Jesus’ sacrifice means for them.

Consider watching these stories together with your kids, and let them spark discussions about what it means to follow Jesus in your family.

Get Bible App for Kids