Discover the hope of Easter

Living Hope - A Countdown to Easter

No matter what you’re facing today, Jesus’ resurrection means evil doesn’t win — even when you find yourself surrounded by darkness.

Over the next 3 days, discover how to hold onto hope by immersing yourself in the Easter story with this YouVersion Originals Plan.

Day 1: “Why have You forsaken me?” Imagine you’re watching Jesus hang from the cross. The only way He can breathe is by pushing Himself up using the nails in His wrists and ankles. As the day draws to an end, He musters what little strength He has left to pull Himself up again so that He can cry out: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” If we’re being honest with ourselves, we’ve all probably had moments where we’ve asked God, “Where are You in this? Why have You forsaken me?” How should we respond when we find ourselves in situations where we feel alone, anxious, or forsaken?

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