Over 160,000 people participated in YouVersion’s first-ever “Love Quiz”! Here are your top answers to our three questions:
Top Bible Plans for You
When you took the quiz, we suggested specific Plans for you, based on your answers. When we tallied the final results, these were the three Plans that we ended up recommending the most often:
Everywhere we turn, we’re bombarded with “Love.” Movies, TV shows, music, apps, social media, books, culture… it seems like everyone has thoughts they want to share with us about love. Offering advice, dealing out gossip, even trying to sell us stuff. It’s like that old saying:
“Love is all around us.”
Of course we all want love. If you’re really lucky, you find it with family. Or with friends. We all want someone we can love who will love us back equally (maybe even some-one in particular). But:
What if we’ve been chasing love…from the wrong direction?
A teacher of the law once asked Jesus what one thing was the most important. Jesus answered him with two things, and in this order: “Love God,” then “love other people.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
And what even is love… really?
Is love a feeling, an emotion? Is love an idea, a thought? Is love physical, biological, chemical, spiritual? To truly love well, and in fact, to even understand love, you have to follow it back to its original source:
“…God is love.”
1 JOHN 4:8
How do you do that? You can find God’s heart in His inspired word. We can help. Take our quiz, and we’ll show you where to look first:
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! It’s February 3, the biggest day of the year in American sports. Even though the top two teams in football will face off as rivals on the field this weekend, several players from both sides share a love for the Bible. Now, thanks to YouVersion partner The Increase, you can hear what some of the players from today’s game have to say about the YouVersion Bible app.
Looking through the Bible, sometimes I put myself in that person’s shoes… You see where you’ve had shortcomings. But you also see where you’ve had grace.
The only absolute truth that there is, is God’s Word.
Just like you, these guys love using the YouVersion Bible App to make God’s Word a key part of their everyday lives. And we’ve made it super-easy for you to use this video to share your passion for the Bible — and football! — with your friends:
What would happen if you gave God’s Word a voice in your life? What if you could make that a daily habit? Would it change your life? Let’s find out. We’ll show you how, get you started, and encourage you along your journey.
Start Here
If you haven’t already selected your first Plan for the Challenge, start one of the Plans we suggest below. Consider inviting a few friends. Open the Plan’s settings, and set up your daily reminder. That’s it.
Complete all 21 days, without missing any, and you’ll earn this year’s 21-Day Challenge Badge:
Now, let’s make today the first day of your Bible habit.
Just three weeks of consistent behavior can carry you well on your way to a new habit. That’s why we created the annual 21-Day Challenge: to help you engage with the Bible every day. Start a new Plan now… and start each day in this new season with a fresh perspective.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Beginning February 1, complete at least one day of one Plan, every day for 21 days.
You don’t have to do just one Plan that’s 21 days (or longer). You can do a series of shorter Plans, one after another.1Just make sure you complete at least one day of at least one Plan for every one of the 21 days!
At the end of the Challenge, if you completed all 21 days, you’ll receive a special 2019 21-Day Challenge badge in your Bible App profile. But most importantly:
The 21-Day Challenge begins in just two days. We recommend you start browsing now for the Plans you’ll want to do during the Challenge. (We’ve included a few suggestions below.) When you find a Plan you think you’d enjoy, open it and tap Save for Later. Or, even better…
Tap Start, select With Friends, set the start date for February 1, and invite some friends to join you!