👑 Prepare your heart for Immanuel.


Are you ready for Christmas?

In the busyness of the holiday season, it’s easy to become so distracted that we forget why we’re even celebrating: the gift of Immanuel, “God with us.” Advent begins today, December 3, giving us the coming four weeks leading up to Christmas to reflect on the miracle of God choosing to enter the world in human form.

We’ve selected these Plans to help you make the most of Advent. Each one is designed specifically to help you realign your heart and mind with biblical truths about who Jesus is, and what his sacrifice means for our lives today:

Loving my Actual Christmas: An Advent Devotional by Alexandra Kuykendall
Advent: Prepare for the Coming of the Word
25 Prayers for Advent
Advent With Tearfund
Journey To The Manger
Advent - The Gift Devotional
Advent - We Have Found the King
Spend Christmas Together
Good News of Great Joy

More Advent Plans

John 3:17 Verse Image

Tap this image to download a version to share with friends.

Prepare your heart, starting today.

Please join us in spreading the message of God’s love for all people by sharing this Verse Image. We’ve even included some example text below to help you decide what you want to say.

Today is the first day of #Advent. Let’s get ready for Christmas! http://bit.ly/2017Advent

I’m getting my heart ready for Christmas with an #Advent Bible Plan. http://bit.ly/2017Advent

Are you ready for Christmas? I’m starting with a YouVersion Bible Plan. #Advent http://bit.ly/2017Advent

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We have many reasons to give God thanks.

Psalm 100:4 Verse Image

Tap this image to download a version to share with friends.

For each of us at YouVersion, when we discovered God’s story of love for us in His Word, it changed our lives. That’s why we’re so passionate about helping people engage with the Bible. And today, all over the world, more people than ever before are turning to the Bible to see what God wants to say to them through His Word. That’s a great reason to celebrate!

And, here are just a few more…

Plans help you connect with God’s Word by presenting you with a selection of Scripture for reflection each day. We’ve selected these special, Thanksgiving-focused Plans to help encourage you with a spirit of gratitude:

7 Days of Thanksgiving
A Plan of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Family Reading Plan
The Power of Being Thankful
Giving Thanks: Video Devotions from Your Time of Grace

More Thanksgiving Plans

Helpful Links:
Thank God for His Word
God is always doing great things. Let’s thank Him!
Give thanks in all circumstances…
Why Gratitude is Great for You
Bible Plans for Thanksgiving

Bible Plans Especially for Veterans

To all who have served: Thank you.

In addition to the godly wisdom that the Bible can provide for our everyday problems, it also offers hope and healing for the the more significant challenges often faced by veterans. No matter what’s going on in your life, by giving you just a little to read (or listen to) each day, Bible Plans can help you hear from God’s Word.

To honor veterans today on this their special day, we’ve assembled this special collection of Plans, each one developed specifically for those who have served:

Our Daily Bread: Military Edition

Hope After Trauma
Battles and Front Lines Devotional by Rita Springer

Explore All Plans

Hear what listening to the Bible did for a veteran suffering from PTSD.

See how the power of God’s Word transformed life for one veteran and his family, as one simple practice helped him overcome the Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury that had been haunting him ever since his return home from combat.

Tori Kelly: A Heart of Worship

Even before releasing her debut album Unbreakable Smile in 2015, word of mouth had already grown Tori Kelly’s YouTube channel to 700,000 subscribers. Since then, her Grammy nomination for Best New Artist — followed by her star turn as the voice of Meena in Universal Pictures’ animated film Sing — more than doubled Tori’s following, to 1.5 million.

A Heart of Worship with Tori Kelly Plan

A Heart of Worship with Tori Kelly is the all-new, four-day video devotional from the GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter and producer, offering exclusive content that features Tori sharing some of her favorite Bible passages — verses that inspire her to pour her gifts into a life that glorifies God.

A Heart of Worship also includes four additional video exclusives. Listen and watch as Tori performs her own unique acoustic takes on some of her current favorite worship songs, including “So Will I (100 Billion X).” 1

Start Plan

Download the Bible App

Tori Kelly in God’s Word

There’s even a bonus video: an exclusive interview where Tori talks with YouVersion about her faith, and about the role that God’s Word plays in her life.

“We have to be intentional about just sitting down with God. …He loves that. He wants to spend time with us!”

1 So Will I (100 Billion X)
Words and music by Joel Houston, Benjamin Hastings, & Michael Fatkin.
© 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing. Used by permission.

🎬 Experience the Book that shapes history

Museum of the Bible Video

The Book that Shapes History

The Bible is one of the most iconic books in human history. Our friends at Museum of the Bible set out to tell the story of the world’s greatest book in three minutes, illustrating the Bible as the common thread that connects history.

We invite you to watch as the film weaves together the Bible through twelve influential historic events. Then share the video with your friends and let them know how the Bible has become part of your story.

Watch Now

The Influence of the Bible

When the Museum of the Bible opens in Washington, D.C. this November, it will provide guests with an immersive and personalized experience as they explore the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible.

Did you know?

Free General Admission
is available now.
Reserve your tickets today!

Start your exploration today through one of these Bible Plans, helping you reflect on the Scriptures and revealing the influence and reach of His story:

Experience The Book That Shapes History

Experience The Book That Shapes History
11 days

Experience the Book that shapes history in this 11-day plan from Museum of the Bible. You’ll dive into some of the most influential and historic events that illustrate how the Bible has been a common thread throughout human history.

Start Plan

Before You Visit the Museum of the Bible
The Founding Fathers & The Bible
Movies and the Bible
Poetry And The Bible
Heroes Of The Bible
Rockin' Through The Psalms With The 'King'
College Basketball And The Bible

Explore All Plans