Thank God for His Word

The Bible is ALIVE

Let’s Pray Together

Every time you open YouVersion, you’re connecting with God through His Word. And when you open the app, you have access to Scripture in a language you understand.

Think about what a gift that is.

But Scripture isn’t just available in your language— because of our generous partners, YouVersion offers the Bible in over 1,700 languages.

God is captivating the hearts of people searching for Him through His Word, and creating a global Community centered around Scripture.

And He’s just getting started.

As YouVersion approaches 500 million installs, let’s thank God for making it possible for us to draw near to Him through His Word. Let’s ask God to continue to transform hearts around the world through Scripture, and let’s pray for the people in our lives who don’t yet know God personally.

A Prayer of Celebration


Thank you for bringing a Community of believers together through Your Word. Scripture has changed our lives, transformed our hearts and minds, and revealed our deep need for You. Your Word is the reason the YouVersion Community exists.

God, we want Your Word to continue to spread across the world because it is perfect and true. Your Word never returns empty. Through Scripture, You have revealed what is good and wise. Your Word is full of promises that guide and light our way. It instructs us, guides us, corrects us, and comforts us. We want to see Your words continue to transform our world.

Provide us with more opportunities to share Scripture with others. And as You provide us with these opportunities, please make more hearts and minds ready to know You intimately.

Let us become the people You created us to be so that we can give You glory at all times. We are Your people, and we fully offer ourselves to You.

In Jesus’ name,

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God is always doing great things. Let’s thank Him!
Give thanks in all circumstances…
Why Gratitude is Great for You
We have many reasons to give God thanks
Bible Plans for Thanksgiving

Complete a special Plan, and earn a Badge!

Bible is Alive Plan Badge

Discover how the Bible is Alive.

The God who created the universe is breathing new life into the world through the power of His Word. And God’s Word is alive and active because our God is alive and active.

The Bible is shaping the YouVersion Community, and this month we’re approaching a huge milestone. As YouVersion nears 500 million installs, our global Community is reflecting on what God has done so far.

Join the global celebration by completing YouVersion’s new 7-day The Bible is Alive Plan, and discover how God is using Scripture to change lives around the world. Let’s celebrate how the Bible has transformed history.

Complete this Plan during the month of November, and you’ll also earn the limited-edition Bible is Alive Plan Badge.

Bible is Alive Plan Badge

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Does our app icon look … different?

Meet Our Updated Bible Icon

Bible App icon through the years

You may have noticed that something looks a little different about our Bible icon. We use our app icon to clearly show the heart of YouVersion—God’s Word—and to help people easily recognize us in the App Store and on their devices.

Over the years, our app icon has evolved and we’ve just released our latest version.

Bible App icon chnages

Here’s why we’ve updated it…

We believe the Bible is always relevant. To help our Community see that Scripture is applicable no matter where they live or what they face, we focus on creating culturally relevant experiences—and staying in line with app design is part of that. By retaining the familiarity of the app and blending current app design trends, we believe more people will be drawn to download and open YouVersion—and ultimately grow closer to God. As we updated the icon, we deliberately used a few key design elements outlined below.

Introducing: YouVersion Red

Red has always been an important color to our brand because of its significance in Scripture: it is used to point out Jesus’ words, and it also represents His ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

YouVersion Red

The red that’s featured in our new icon’s bookmark is a custom-mixed shade that we’ve weaved throughout our app. When we created YouVersion Red, we wanted it to exemplify how we live out our mission: by being warm, bold, and real.

Bible App icon colors

Once we landed on YouVersion Red, we created a color palette for our icon that would complement this core color. But if you place YouVersion Red next to any color in the app, you’ll also discover that the other colors complement it perfectly.

While the bookmark might seem like a small part of our icon to focus on, it’s an important element: it represents a Bible that has been opened and studied— it represents the part you play in exploring God’s Word.

The Bible is central to everything we do, because intimacy with God is central to who we are. Our hope is that every time you look at the new app icon, you sense that.

We hope you’re reminded of the simplicity of the Gospel, the holiness of God’s Word, and that you feel personally invited to draw closer to God.

We’re about to hit a huge milestone!

The Bible is ALIVE

Something incredible
is happening…

Install counter in Bible App

YouVersion is on track to reach 500,000,000 app installs soon.

Over the past 13 years, we’ve seen God do more than we could ask, think, or imagine through YouVersion.

When the App Store launched in 2008, YouVersion was one of the first 200 free apps available. That first weekend, 83,000 people installed the Bible on their device. But now, a Community that started with 83,000 downloads in one weekend has nearly reached half a billion.

That number represents people around the world—from different nations and speaking different languages—actively drawing closer to God through His Word. And you’re one of them.

Bible App logo

Celebrate God’s
Word in action.

As we near this milestone in mid-November, we’re inviting the Community to celebrate with us that the Bible is Alive. If you open YouVersion right now, you’ll see a counter tracking our progress towards 500 million installs in real time. When you see that counter, think about what that number represents. Then, reflect on what God has accomplished through His Word, and celebrate His faithfulness.

See how the Bible is alive.

Over the next few weeks, we’re celebrating this historic moment—and we want you to join us!

Get the celebration started by watching this special video, featuring people whose lives have been changed by God’s Word.

Want to earn a Badge?

As we count up to 500 million, join the celebration by sharing the YouVersion app with a friend!

And when you share YouVersion from inside the app, you’ll earn the Share YouVersion Badge.

Share YouVersion badge

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Does the Bible exist in your language?

Bible for Everyone

God’s words are alive and active, and they have the power to transform lives. When He speaks, light breaks through the darkness. When God speaks, the old becomes new.

How is God’s Word shaping you?

There are millions of people seeking God through His Word in YouVersion. Every time you open the app, you have an opportunity to hear from God in a language you understand—a language that speaks to you.

…But what if you didn’t?

Language list in Bible App on phone

Right now, there are over 2,500 Bible versions in over 1,700 languages available in YouVersion…

…But there are still thousands of languages that need to be translated.

How different would your life look if there were no Bible versions available in your language?

Right now, almost a billion people are able to speak to their mothers, their fathers, their siblings, and their neighbors in their language … but they’ve never experienced God speaking to them through His Word in their language.

The Bible literally doesn’t exist in their heart language. But imagine what will happen in their families, communities, and countries when that changes.

Help shape someone’s future.

Right now, there is a movement of people committed to helping us get the Bible to everyone by the year 2033, and you can help us reach this goal.

Our Vision
for 2033

95% of the world’s population
will have a full Bible

99.9% will have at least
the New Testament

100% will have at least
a portion of Scripture

Let’s get the Bible to everyone.

When you give to Bible for Everyone, you’re helping our global Bible partners get Scripture translated into every language. And almost as soon as a new version is completed, we’re able to make it available to the entire YouVersion Community, worldwide.

Our vision is to see everyone have access to at least a portion of Scripture by 2033—but what if God wants to do more than we can imagine? What if we could reach this goal faster? And what if God wants to use you?

Will you join us?

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All contributions received through the Bible for Everyone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation, and spread across different, high-impact translation projects. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its partners.