Does our app icon look … different?

Meet Our Updated Bible Icon

Bible App icon through the years

You may have noticed that something looks a little different about our Bible icon. We use our app icon to clearly show the heart of YouVersion—God’s Word—and to help people easily recognize us in the App Store and on their devices.

Over the years, our app icon has evolved and we’ve just released our latest version.

Bible App icon chnages

Here’s why we’ve updated it…

We believe the Bible is always relevant. To help our Community see that Scripture is applicable no matter where they live or what they face, we focus on creating culturally relevant experiences—and staying in line with app design is part of that. By retaining the familiarity of the app and blending current app design trends, we believe more people will be drawn to download and open YouVersion—and ultimately grow closer to God. As we updated the icon, we deliberately used a few key design elements outlined below.

Introducing: YouVersion Red

Red has always been an important color to our brand because of its significance in Scripture: it is used to point out Jesus’ words, and it also represents His ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

YouVersion Red

The red that’s featured in our new icon’s bookmark is a custom-mixed shade that we’ve weaved throughout our app. When we created YouVersion Red, we wanted it to exemplify how we live out our mission: by being warm, bold, and real.

Bible App icon colors

Once we landed on YouVersion Red, we created a color palette for our icon that would complement this core color. But if you place YouVersion Red next to any color in the app, you’ll also discover that the other colors complement it perfectly.

While the bookmark might seem like a small part of our icon to focus on, it’s an important element: it represents a Bible that has been opened and studied— it represents the part you play in exploring God’s Word.

The Bible is central to everything we do, because intimacy with God is central to who we are. Our hope is that every time you look at the new app icon, you sense that.

We hope you’re reminded of the simplicity of the Gospel, the holiness of God’s Word, and that you feel personally invited to draw closer to God.