21-Day Challenge Results are HERE!

Man standing on rock - 21-Day Challenge

Over the month of February, you, the global YouVersion Community, came together and completed over 120 million Plan days — an all-time Challenge record!

You inspire us.

To everyone who took part in the 21-Day Challenge: thank you. Your commitment to seeking God and community is why this Challenge was a success.

Now… Maintain your momentum.

Each Plan day you completed for the 21-Day Challenge contributed to building a Bible habit. One way to keep your habit alive is by increasing your Perfect Weeks. Just keep reading a Plan day every day to link your weeks together.

And with thousands of Plans to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from your next favorite:

Find Next Plan

Completed the 21-Day Challenge? Yay, you!

21-Day Challenge Badge

To see your badge, go to your profile (in your Bible App) and select Badges.1

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1 If you don’t see your 21-Day Challenge badge yet, don’t worry! It may take a few days for your badge to show up.

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