We’re about to hit a huge milestone!

The Bible is ALIVE

Something incredible
is happening…

Install counter in Bible App

YouVersion is on track to reach 500,000,000 app installs soon.

Over the past 13 years, we’ve seen God do more than we could ask, think, or imagine through YouVersion.

When the App Store launched in 2008, YouVersion was one of the first 200 free apps available. That first weekend, 83,000 people installed the Bible on their device. But now, a Community that started with 83,000 downloads in one weekend has nearly reached half a billion.

That number represents people around the world—from different nations and speaking different languages—actively drawing closer to God through His Word. And you’re one of them.

Bible App logo

Celebrate God’s
Word in action.

As we near this milestone in mid-November, we’re inviting the Community to celebrate with us that the Bible is Alive. If you open YouVersion right now, you’ll see a counter tracking our progress towards 500 million installs in real time. When you see that counter, think about what that number represents. Then, reflect on what God has accomplished through His Word, and celebrate His faithfulness.

See how the Bible is alive.

Over the next few weeks, we’re celebrating this historic moment—and we want you to join us!

Get the celebration started by watching this special video, featuring people whose lives have been changed by God’s Word.

Want to earn a Badge?

As we count up to 500 million, join the celebration by sharing the YouVersion app with a friend!

And when you share YouVersion from inside the app, you’ll earn the Share YouVersion Badge.

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