Lead with generosity, and help change lives.

YouVersion Map

We have this map at YouVersion. Every time a person opens the app, an anonymous dot lights up for a few seconds. To us, every one of these dots represents a person, a story, a life. Our map serves as a constant reminder for us that, every moment of every day, we want to help you connect with the One who holds everything you need.

Especially as Easter approaches, we’ve been reflecting on ways we can help you draw closer to God this year. In Matthew 6, Jesus taught about three traditional ways that many Christians turn their attention toward God’s kingdom during this season:

“When you fast…
When you pray…
When you give…”


From the way He talked about each, it was clear that Jesus expected His followers to practice all three. When you support YouVersion financially, you’re cultivating a heart of generosity, and your gift is making an eternal difference in people’s lives, all over the world.

Be a part of the life change we see every day.

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