Looking for 5 Amazing People

YouVersion has been growing by hundreds of thousands of users every month, and as we approach the point where 7 million people are reading the Bible through one of YouVersion’s many mobile apps, it’s time to expand the team. We’re looking for five amazing people to join the YouVersion team and LifeChurch.tv Digerati.


Whether it’s on a mobile phone or a sleek tablet, YouVersion’s future will continue to revolve around helping people engage with the Bible through mobile technology. Three new mobile application engineers are needed to keep YouVersion planted firmly in the mobile space.

The exceptional people who join this team will share our enthusiasm for helping people engage with the Bible using technology, be experts on the platform for which they’re responsible, and be able to lead a team of other developers.

YouVersion Partnership Development

We’re also looking for someone who can join the team to help us with Partnership Development; someone who is so passionate about helping people engage with the Bible through technology that they ooze excitement at the mention of the topic. This person is a huge fan of YouVersion who knows how to tell a compelling story (written & spoken) and can build strategic relationships that further the vision of YouVersion. We are no longer accepting applications for this position as it has been filled.


The LifeChurch.tv Digerati team is looking for an extremely talented Web User Experience Designer/Developer to join the team in a hybrid role; working on every web project that the Digerati team develops, including YouVersion, Babelwith.me, LifeChurch.tv, Church Online, ChurchMetrics, OPEN.LifeChurch.tv, and more. Read more about the Web UX role.

Read about all of our openings at http://lifechurch.tv/jobs.