God gifted us with a bonus day. Let’s make the most of it! Choose one of our suggestions below to let His love shine through you today. Then share our special Verse Image above with your friends, and challenge them to pick one, too.
Start a Plan Get fresh insight into God’s Word. Pick a Bible Plan, then tap Start Plan. |
Take a Moment Snooze your notifications. Read or listen to God’s Word. All day, reflect on what it means. |
Start a Conversation Praying is just having a conversation with God. Tell Him what’s on your mind. Ask Him for wisdom. Then listen. |
Take a Walk Invite a friend to walk with you. Ask how they’re doing. Listen. Enjoy one another’s company. |
Sing Some Songs Search “worship,” “praise,” or “Christian music” on a streaming service. Sing along. |
Give Something Away Volunteer in your community. Or give to a cause you believe in— like Bible translation or to YouVersion. |