Introducing YouVersion Live

We’re thrilled to introduce a brand new concept for It’s called “YouVersion Live” and it brings a new level of interaction to the communication of God’s truth and love.

YouVersion Live is a free service that will give pastors, conference speakers, teachers, and group leaders the ability to share content and real-time feedback on mobile devices during live events, services, and more. Here’s an idea of how a church leader could use YouVersion Live…

A pastor would love to be able to get his congregation more involved in his message, ask questions and get answers, survey the room with a simple poll, give them an easy and natural way to take notes on his talking points, and maybe even give them a follow-up thought with a blog post or YouTube video as they’re leaving. And, in a perfect world, they’d be able to keep all that information in a place they look every day so they can refresh themselves on what he spoke about.

When YouVersion Live launches, this pastor will be able to do all this (and a little more) by simply dragging and dropping in a super-simple dashboard on During a service, his congregation will pull out their web-enabled phones, open up YouVersion (either on the mobile website or a native application), read the Bible, take notes, ask questions, submit prayer requests, answer polls, find links to external content (event details, blog posts, videos, etc), and give online. Before they leave, they’ll be able to send all that great content to themselves (or a friend) via email for future reference.

With YouVersion Live, a pastor can offer his congregation a rich and engaging way to experience the Bible and his message. Plus, with millions of people already using YouVersion on their phones, he’s got a head start towards telling his congregation about this new tool.

We’ll be talking more about YouVersion Live over the next several weeks, so stay tuned for more information and announcements!

