Your church online, from inside the Bible App

Woman looking at Events on phone

Have you used YouVersion Events inside the Bible App lately? When we built Events, we wanted to provide a way for church attenders to follow along with the message, engage with Scripture, take notes, and even save their own personalized copy for future reference. And Events can even recommend church services that are in your area.

But with so many churches shifting their services online, how can Events still help?

Church leaders, use Events to link to your online service.

Since Events admins can add various types of modules, we make it easy to add a link directly to online services—whether hosted on Facebook, YouTube, or even the free Church Online Platform.

Here’s how:

Go to and sign in with your YouVersion account (we recommend setting up a separate account for your church from your personal account).


Next, click “Create New Event” or edit an existing one. If setting up a new Event, enter your Event Name (we recommend the title of your current sermon), your church name, and a brief description of your church. You can even add an optional logo or image.

Locations & Times

Enter your church’s normal meeting location for the purpose of helping people in your area easily find your Event. Then, add the time(s) that you normally meet and want the Event to be visible in the Bible App.


Now you can create your Event with very customizable content modules.

During this time we strongly encourage you to start with an “External Link” module that directs people to your online message.

For example:

Link Label: This Week’s Message

Body: Tap to watch this week’s message then come back to take and save notes.

URL: <Paste a direct link to your online message video>

Events on phone

You then can add other modules if you’d like, including Text, Bible Reference, Bible Plan, Image, Giving Link, Announcements or even other External Links.

Preview, Publish, and Share

Now you can preview your Event, publish it to the Bible App, and share the link with your community directly. And like all Events, your Event will show inside the Bible App to people in your area, giving them easy access to connect with your ministry, and engage with your online services.

Ready to publish your Event and link to your online messages?

Get Started

Learn More

Help with Events