Imagine a world where everyone has access to the Bible…

That world is closer than you think.

Today, the largest Bible translation ministries have formed illumiNations—an alliance that’s accelerating the translation of God’s Word like never before in history.

As a Sower, your generosity to YouVersion helps us fund Bible translation so that everyone, everywhere can have access to the Bible in their heart language.

So far, we’ve supported translation projects for 247 languages spoken by 386 million people in 63 countries and territories!

Behind every number is a person whose life has been impacted by God through Scripture.

Recently, the Kwamashi people in Zambia received the New Testament in their heart language for the first time. This was the first project the YouVersion Giving Community funded in 2017, and now we get to see God’s Word in the hands of the Kwamashi people today!

Photo from The Zambia Project

Photo from The Zambia Project

But we’re not done yet. illumiNations is committed to translating at least the New Testament for 99.9% of the world’s population by the year 2033.

But what if we could reach this goal even faster?

This month, we’re inviting our YouVersion Community to join us in funding Bible translation projects through a campaign called Bible for Everyone.

You’re already part of helping plant the seed of God’s Word in people’s heart languages.

But, we want to ask you to join us in this initiative by praying alongside our team for these three specific things:

  • Pray for God to bring even more people to support our global Bible translation efforts.
  • Pray that God will increase the momentum of translating His Word into people’s heart languages.
  • Pray that more people would be able to access the power of God’s Word in their heart language and that it would transform their lives.

When we come together in prayer, we believe God can do more than we could ever ask or imagine.

We’re so grateful for you and that we get to continue faithfully planting the seed of God’s Word together.

Are you new to the Sowers Community? Learn what it means to be a Sower of God’s Word.