What if the Bible didn’t exist in your language?

Right now, there are people around the world still waiting for a Bible in their language.

Almost a billion people can speak to their families, friends, and neighbors … but they’ve never experienced God speaking to them through His Word in their heart language.

You can change that.

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Bible for Everyone

When you give to Bible translation, your gift goes directly to a coalition of global Bible Partners already working on Scripture translation projects. When they complete a Bible translation, we’re able to quickly make it available for free to our global YouVersion Community through our Family of Apps.

The Vision for 2033

The vision is to see everyone have access to at least some portion of Scripture by 2033.

Will you join us?

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All contributions received through the Bible for Everyone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation, and spread across different, high-impact translation projects. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its Partners.

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