How has God used the Bible App to change your life?

Maybe it was a Verse of the Day that you read at just the right time, or a Plan that helped you build a daily Bible habit.

As a Sower, your faithful generosity helps us share that same life-changing experience with others—like Leo.

Learn how your generosity helped him deepen his relationship with God:

Consistently spending time in God’s Word through the Bible App transformed Leo’s life, making him a better husband, parent, and business leader.

Because of you, people all over the world are experiencing God’s Word every day … and it’s transforming their lives.

And, if God has used the Bible App to transform your life, we’d love to hear about it! Message us at

We’re so grateful for you, and can’t wait to see how God continues to use your generosity to impact lives.

Are you new to the Sowers Community? Learn what it means to be a Sower of God’s Word.