YouVersion Beta R5

So here we are…two weeks from the last blog post and we have another new release. I am pleased to announce YouVersion Beta R5! Some of the noticeable fixes and new features include:

  • Vimeo video support– now contribute your videos located in your Vimeo account.
  • Edit/Delete– now you have the ability to Edit your text and link contributions or Delete any of your contributions.
  • New Dashboard and Sign Up pages.
  • Some other really nice little touches I am sure you will see.

I say this every time, but I really do mean it… your feedback and thoughts have been great, so keep them coming. Here is some insiders info, the next few weeks will be dedicated to installing many additional Bible translations. See, we are listening to your feedback!

YouVersion Beta R4

Beta R4 is now live and available for your viewing pleasure. This release has some really cool new features that I think you will enjoy. Some of the noticeable fixes and new features include:

  • Dashboard quickly view new contributions and new users.
  • Flickr support– now contribute your images located in your Flickr account.
  • Content rankings– user contributions are now weighted based on ratings, etc.
  • 1 year Bible reading plan– the first of many Bible reading plans.
  • And as always…fixed many submitted and unsubmitted”bugs”.

In the past few weeks literally thousands and thousands of new users have joined YouVersion and provided some amazing feedback. We are continuing to work hard improving YouVersion and adding new features and functionality. Please don’t hesitate to give us your feedback or ideas…we have received some awesome ideas!

Enjoy Beta R4!

YouVersion Beta Release 3

YouVersion Beta R3 is now active. R3 includes many bug fixes and some new features. Some of the noticeable fixes and new features include:

  • Link it– with Link it you have the ability to select multiple verses and get direct links to each of them.

Link It

  • Remember Translation– when you leave YouVersion and come back we now remember your previous translation.
  • Rate it– When you rate a piece of content the stars now display correctly.
  • Journal dates– Journal date fixes.

Your feedback and thoughts have been great, keep them coming. Enjoy Beta R3, and as always…there are some really interesting things coming in the near future. Including more translations, some major feature releases, and more.

YouVersion Beta Release 2

Since YouVersion Beta released Sept 27th, we have really enjoyed hearing from you via the Feeback Form. Like any project, we were so excited about our first public release, but we also know that we have a long way to go. A few minor patches and bug fixes have already rolled out, but this is the first official update release.

  • Now includes The Message (MSG)Navpress
  • Now includes Reina-Valera Antigua (RVA) Spanish
  • “Email it” for Community contributions (screen shot)
  • Deselect / Jump to verses quickly (screen shot)
  • Highlighted search results in the Bible reader view
  • Quick link to users profile within contribution
  • Fixed hidden Table of Contents
  • Fixed Journal error message
  • And we fixed hundreds of submitted and unsubmitted “bugs”

Enjoy Beta Release 2, and look for more to come soon! Don’t forget to send us your feedback and thoughts. We love hearing from you guys.

100 things you can do with YouVersion: #37

Count this also as Tips & Tricks…

Use your Home/End button to goto Previous/Next Chapter.

Use your Page Up/Page Down button to goto Previous/Next section.

Use your scroll wheel to scroll the Bible reader.