21-Day Challenge Results are HERE!

Man standing on rock - 21-Day Challenge

Over the month of February, you, the global YouVersion Community, came together and completed over 120 million Plan days — an all-time Challenge record!

You inspire us.

To everyone who took part in the 21-Day Challenge: thank you. Your commitment to seeking God and community is why this Challenge was a success.

Now… Maintain your momentum.

Each Plan day you completed for the 21-Day Challenge contributed to building a Bible habit. One way to keep your habit alive is by increasing your Perfect Weeks. Just keep reading a Plan day every day to link your weeks together.

And with thousands of Plans to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from your next favorite:

Find Next Plan

Completed the 21-Day Challenge? Yay, you!

21-Day Challenge Badge

To see your badge, go to your profile (in your Bible App) and select Badges.1

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1 If you don’t see your 21-Day Challenge badge yet, don’t worry! It may take a few days for your badge to show up.

2020 is a Leap Year. What will you do with this extra day?

Live Wisely - Ephesians 5:15-17 - Verse Image

Share this image

God gifted us with a bonus day. Let’s make the most of it! Choose one of our suggestions below to let His love shine through you today. Then share our special Verse Image above with your friends, and challenge them to pick one, too.


Start a Plan

Get fresh insight into God’s Word. Pick a Bible Plan, then tap Start Plan.

Find a Plan >

Take a Moment

Snooze your notifications. Read or listen to God’s Word. All day, reflect on what it means.

See an Example >



Start a Conversation

Praying is just having a conversation with God. Tell Him what’s on your mind. Ask Him for wisdom. Then listen.

Suggested Prayers >

Take a Walk

Invite a friend to walk with you. Ask how they’re doing. Listen. Enjoy one another’s company.

More Ideas >

Friends running

Woman worshiping

Sing Some Songs

Search “worship,” “praise,” or “Christian music” on a streaming service. Sing along.

How to Worship >

Give Something Away

Volunteer in your community. Or give to a cause you believe in— like Bible translation or to YouVersion.

More Ideas >

Women hugging

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What is Lent? 4 Different Ways to Practice

Mountain in focus

Pause for a moment and look outside. What do you see? What makes you smile?

Whatever you just described, think about this: what you saw was always there — it was just waiting for you to pause and notice it.

That’s the basic purpose of Lent: to create space in the middle of life’s responsibilities to appreciate what’s always been there: God’s presence.


…You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:41-42

…What IS Lent?

Lent is a 40-day period of stillness, focus, and repentance leading up to Resurrection Sunday. Based on Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, Lent is an important tool that can help you stay attuned to God’s voice as you reflect on His sacrificial love.

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.
Psalm 46:10

Mountain valley

While Lent does include personal sacrifice, the goal of this time isn’t to “better” your life, but to center your life on what matters most: the One who made you and died for you.

Mountain path

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Lent begins today. However you choose to practice it, we hope you’ll spend the next 40 days creating space in your soul to reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial suffering and the power of His resurrection.

Together, let’s make space for what matters.

Here are 4 great ways to practice Lent:

(And, they include your Bible App!)

1. Memorize the Verse of the Day

Our outlook on life changes when we get God’s Word inside of us. If you’ve always wanted to memorize Scripture but were never sure where to start, commit to memorizing the Verse of the Day for 40 days!

If you start today, you’ll know 40 passages by Resurrection Sunday, and you’ll be well on your way to establishing a lifelong habit.

View Verse of the Day

2. Create a Prayer List

Prayer is simply an honest conversation between you and God. And, it’s a great discipline to begin during Lent. Becoming a person who prays confidently may take some practice, but you can get started by committing at least 10 minutes a day to prayer.

Learn More About Prayer

3. Start a Lent Devotional

One of the best ways to draw closer to God is by spending time in His Word. If you’re not sure where to start, pick a Lent Plan in your Bible App and complete one Plan day, every day, for all 40 days of Lent.

To get the most from your Plan, set up daily reminders in Plan settings. Then, invite a few trusted friends to join you and reflect together on what God is doing in your lives.

Find a Plan on Lent

4. Practice Generosity

God modeled what generosity looks like when He sacrificed His greatest treasure for us. During the next 40 days, draw near to God through irrational generosity.

There are lots of meaningful ways you can give financially to what God is doing throughout the world. Take a moment and ask God to show you how you can bless those around you.

(If YouVersion has made a difference in your walk with God and you want to give back, you can do that on our YouVersion Giving page.)

Learn More About Generosity

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Has YouVersion helped you find intimacy with God?

What's Your Story?

Your story about growing closer to God could be the very thing He uses to draw someone else to Him. Just look at what Brenda shared with us:

I had been a Christian for almost 20 years. 10 years ago, God revealed what was missing from my walk with Him: intimacy.

“I didn’t know the God I believed in. Wife, mom, business owner — because I wasn’t spending time with God, people were getting ‘weak me, impatient me, tired me.’

Woman using laptop while drinking cofee

Woman praying

“I prayed, ‘Lord, change my priorities. Be first in my life.’ Discipline became my word for 2018. (I’m spontaneous! I hate discipline!) But YouVersion made it easy.

Woman holding phone

“Now I start most days at 6:30 a.m. with ‘a date with God.’ I love YouVersion — the Plans, the reminders, Streaks — I love it all! Every aspect of my life changed when He became first: how I parent, how I love my husband, how I run my business.

God used YouVersion to fulfill the dream of discipline in my life. Thank you!”

Your story matters.
Share it with us!

Tell us, specifically, how using YouVersion has helped you find intimacy with God. What did your life look like before you had the YouVersion Bible App? What’s different now? Share your story with us below, and let God use the power of your testimony to build His Kingdom.*

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